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Showing results 1 to 10 of 39
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Online Performance Tracking Ardil, C.; Bilgen, S. Article 353019345 -681263547
2017 Qualitative Review of Ethics from Religion, Culture and Corporate Scandals Balaraman, P. Article 1038720917 -1867104646
2017 Improvement of the mechanism of innovative development of small and medium-sized enterprises Kobushko, Ihor Mykolaiovych; Jula, Octavian; Kolesnyk, M. Article 1982970151 -1906360567
2017 Models of Scientific and Technical Zonal Formations for Ukraine and Forecast of Their Number Considering Foreign Experience Us, H.; Chudaieva, I. Article 454307505 383387129
2017 Theoretical Reasons for Economic Sociology Rogowski, R. Article 49821968 51080582
2017 The necessity of socio-ecological modification of two-tier economic model of secondary resources management in Ukraine Hrytsenko, Larysa Leonidivna; Petrushenko, Mykola Mykolaiovych; Daher, K. Article 2114925046 1559830461
2017 The Sustainable Development Goals for Eastern Partnership Countries: Impact of Institutions Kostel, Mykola Vasylovych; Leus, Daryna Volodymyrivna; Cebotarenco, A.; Mokrushina, A. Article 1687770992 -454607267
2017 Enhancing the Capabilities of Municipalities for Local Economic Development through Skills Training Kamara, R.D.; Leonard, S.; Haines, R. Article -1878008526 1809563284
2017 The impact of “policy paradigms” on energy security issues in protracted conflict environments: the case of Cyprus Karakasis, V.P. Article 743803290 1232677883
2017 What Leaders Should Know about E-Government Louis, R. Article -1556167831 -2037014947