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Showing results 1 to 10 of 321
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Monetary Policy Surprises and the Responses of Asset Prices: An Event Study Analysis Jiang, Yu.; Wang, G. Article -161329118 742011868
2022 Status of Algerian women: between public policies and social practices Guedjali, A. Article 49123393 50846383
2019 Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus in the Republic of Benin Marcel, D.T.A. Article 171058670 -1783250252
2023 Determinants of singleness among women aged 40 and over in Algeria: what relation to the labor market? Medjoub, R.; Hammouda, N.–E. Article 37337 65551
2022 Problems Of E-Governance İn Government Agencies And Their Solutions Muradov, İ. Article 1088346547 -1840297537
2020 Co-Production Related To Business Counselling in the Microfinance Sector as a Demonstration of Social Cooperation: An Interpersonal Relationship Approach Abeysekera, R. Article 1423660337 740705708
2022 The impact of indicators of macroeconomic stability on the destructive manifestation of Covid-19 in Ukraine Kashcha, Mariia Oleksiivna; Dun, V. Article 37606674 19187168
2018 Self-employment. The Case of Spain Santamaria, G.C.; Villanueva Alvaro, J.J.; Jimenez, J.M. Article 112147885 256629707
2018 Appraisal of the Salam Islamic Mode of Financing Agribusiness and Agriculture among Rural Farmers in Bauchi State of Nigeria Bello, H.S.; Galadima, I.S.; Jibrin, Al-M. A. Article -1722261493 -1515580924
2017 What Leaders Should Know about E-Government Louis, R. Article -1254599500 1304921113