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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Fiscal Decentralization as a Factor of Macroeconomic Stability of the Country Palienko, M.; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Denysenko, Pavlo Anatoliiovych Article -132802236 -240801948
2017 Scientific methodological approach to defining projected indicator of financial market infrastructural efficiency Rekunenko, Ihor Ivanovych Article -1158405399 -2117480946
2017 Openness of the insurance market for foreign entities: methodology and experience of Ukraine Vieriezubova, T.; Levchenko, V. Article 153654551 438940728
2017 The Relationship Between the Tax Burden and Financing Public Services: A Comparison of Ukraine and European Countries Samusevych, Yaryna Valentynivna; Shamaelh, A. Article 271669695 -148368606
2017 Prior to the Financial Security through Control over the Use of Public Funds, Assessment Methodology and Practical Experience in Ukraine Esmanov, O.; Dunne, P. Article 908239041 105392569
2017 Forecasting the price dynamics in the markets − benchmark prices (using the example of the interbank credit market and the bond market) Williams, G.; Kotliarevskyi, O. Article 465760584 472718790
2017 Trust in the banking sector: EU experience and evidence from Ukraine Savchenko, Taras Hryhorovych; Kovacs, L. Article -721224421 -1323309291
2017 Alternative Finance Business-Models: Online Platforms Rubanov, Pavlo Mykolaiovych; Marcantonio, Al. Article 1691407694 -937317648
2017 Formation of complex model of analytical support of deposit bank management Diakonova, Iryna Ivanivna; Guley, A.; Sheliuk, Asiiat Ashurbiekivna Article 1814010217 -269774737
2017 The role of tax competition between the countries of the world and the features of determining the main tax competitors of Ukraine among the European countries Boiko, Anton Oleksandrovych; Samusevych, Yaryna Valentynivna Article -1126329722 777736869