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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 The impact of corporate governance and audit quality on the investment decision Shazly, M.A.; AbdElAlim, K.; Mortaky, A.N.; Sayed, M.N. Article -815508265 534448089
2021 The Impact of Corporate Governance on Banks Profitability in Nigeria Oluwole, F.O. Article -152815706 -687420872
2018 Corporate Governance and profitability: Evidence from Indian IT companies Prusty, T.; Waleed, M. Al-ahdal Article 588631092 595844338
2018 How Public R&D Funding Can Be Profitable in Europe and in International Financial Markets? Tommaso, F.D. Article -1553829237 -1356571644
2017 Stakeholder’s financial relations and bank business management efficiency: evidence from Ukraine Obeid, H.; Brychko, Maryna Mykhailivna Article 839367591 1643460316
2018 What are the Costs and Benefits of a International Corporate Governance Reregulation? Tommaso, F.D. Article -2010392597 266758892
2019 Nexus Between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Malaysia: Supervised Machine Learning Approach Nur-Al-Ahad, Md.; Syeda, N.; Vagavi, P. Article 1799810549 -1404309131
2020 Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting Quality: Preliminary Evidence from Saudi Arabia Al-Khonain, S.; Al-Adeem, K. Article -1063503567 -2146375061
2019 What Can Be the Best Corporate Governance Reform? Tommaso, F.D.; Gulinelli, Ar. Article -1421442614 2140947589
2020 The New Italian Legislation on Corporate Governance and Business Crisis. The Impact of Covid – 19 on SMEs and the Recent Rules to Mitigate the Effects Tommaso, F.D. Article 1966733659 1017165430