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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 The Impact of Corporate Governance on Banks Profitability in Nigeria Oluwole, F.O. Article -152815706 -687420872
2018 Corporate Governance and profitability: Evidence from Indian IT companies Prusty, T.; Waleed, M. Al-ahdal Article 588631092 595844338
2018 How Public R&D Funding Can Be Profitable in Europe and in International Financial Markets? Tommaso, F.D. Article -1553829237 -1356571644
2017 Stakeholder’s financial relations and bank business management efficiency: evidence from Ukraine Obeid, H.; Brychko, Maryna Mykhailivna Article 839367591 1643460316
2018 What are the Costs and Benefits of a International Corporate Governance Reregulation? Tommaso, F.D. Article -2010392597 266758892
2019 Nexus Between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Malaysia: Supervised Machine Learning Approach Nur-Al-Ahad, Md.; Syeda, N.; Vagavi, P. Article 1799810549 -1404309131
2020 Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting Quality: Preliminary Evidence from Saudi Arabia Al-Khonain, S.; Al-Adeem, K. Article -1063503567 -2146375061
2023 The Influence of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic AL-Hashimi, Y.N.; AL-Toobi, J.S.; Ahmed, E.R. Article 1339217682 1361595484
2023 Basel Agreements in the Efficiency of Algerian Banks Financial Evolution and Interdisciplinary Research Habiba, M. Article 1619 3341
2022 The Effect of Credit Committee Characteristics on Bank Asset Quality in Nigeria Karaye, A.I.; Ahmad-Zaluki, N.A.; Badru, B.O. Article -2004094411 277050176