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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Сутнісно-змістовна основа інноваційної діяльності у контексті розвитку відновлювальної енергетики Matvieieva, Yuliia Tahibekivna; Saher, Liudmyla Yuriivna; Vakulenko, Ihor Anatoliiovych; Петрина, В.В. Article -630937408 -114971279
2022 The effectiveness of employment in high-tech and science-intensive business areas as important indicator of socio-economic development: cross-country cluster analysis Koibichuk, Vitaliia Vasylivna; Samoilikova, Anastasiia Viktorivna; Хабенко, М.Є.; Habenko, M. Article 19757826 17778462
2022 Inflation, Foreign Exchange, Interest Rate, Trade Balance, Payment Balance on Growth In The Covid-19 Pandemic Sinaga, A.P.A. Article 4879 28598
2022 Public Investment in Human Capital and Economic Growth in Algeria: An empirical study using ARDL approach Ramli, M.; Boutayeba, F.; Nezai, A. Article 266967292 -247383716
2022 Financial Innovation Management: Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth of the Baltic Countries Slavinskaite, N.; Lapinskiene, G.; Hlawiczka, R.; Vasa, L. Article 495337595 -730105995
2022 The impact of the innovation on the economy: an empirical analysis for Azerbaijan Zeynalli, L.; Huseynli, G.; Huseynli, M. Article -1424464636 -1143781976
2022 Exchange rate policy regimes, private investment behaviour and economic growth in Nigeria (1960 -2020) Popoola, M.A.; Ajayi, J.O.; Abiodun, T.S. Article 6945860 4848826
2022 Inflation Targeting and Economic Growth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): empirical modeling using ARDL approach Bouyacoub, B. Article 1270166692 -1495030230
2022 The impact of stockmarket development on economic growth in Singapore. econometric study based on an autoregressive distribution lag (ARDL) model covering the period from 1990 to 2020. Bekhti, D.; Bakbak, L.I.; Bouchetara, M. Article 63875863 58525088
2022 Management of Competitiveness in the EU Member States: The Main Strengths and Weaknesses Maris, M. Article 293737 611623