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Showing results 920 to 929 of 929
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Movie Induced Tourism and Its Effects on Settlements, a Literature Study Agnes, U.T.; Adam, H.; Balazs, G.; Zoltan, S. Article 1818018496 -1596292032
2018 Compounding as the Most Productive Type of Word Formation in English Fiction Texts (Based on the Series of Novels by George Martin "A Game of Thrones") Shumenko, Olha Anatoliivna; Vasylenko, K. Article -1750229326 -779872480
2018 Research of Mechanical Properties of Thermite Material on the Basis of Steel Dross Rud, V.; Saviuk, I.; Samchuk, L.; Povstyana, Yu. Article 166580715 67639408
2018 Intuitive decision-making inside public utility organizations in Slovenia Galic, S.; Dandan, S.M.M.; Zoran, A.G. Article 59258413 32414293
2018 The Influence of Layers Thickness on the Structure and Properties of Bilayer Multiperiod Coatings Based on Chromium Nitride and Nitrides of Transition Metals Ti and Mo Sobol, O.V.; Meylekhov, A.A.; Mygushchenko, R.P.; Postelnyk, А.А.; Tabaza, Taha A.; Al-Qawabah, Safwan M.; Gorban, V.F.; Stolbovoy, V.A. Article 721729208 408584749
2018 Effect of RF-magnetron Sputtering Parameters on the Structure of Hafnium Diboride Films Honcharov, Oleksandr Andriiovych; Yunda, Andrii Mykolaiovych; Buranych, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych; Shelest, Ihor Vladyslavovych; Лобода, В.Б. Article 806832985 608338929
2018 The Electronic Band Structure of the BaSnO3 and SrSnO3 Perovskites Calculated within the GGA and GW Approaches Syrotyuk, S.V.; Lopatynskyi, I.Ye.; Shved, V.M. Article 19900143 9176362
2018 Структура капіталу як умова формування ефективної фінансової архітектури підприємства Dushak, Maiia Ivanivna Article 11653680 33482605
2018 HIFU Transducers Designs and Ultrasonic Treatment Methods for Biological Tissues Rybyanets, A.N.; Shvetsov, I.A.; Shcherbinin, S.A.; Petrova, E.I.; Shvetsova, N.A. Article 113845235 116643794