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Showing results 60 to 70 of 74
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Impact of Intangible Factors on Business Value Krasiuk, I.; Demidova, Ye. Article -1424354082 -523994118
2018 Gender-Oriented Budgeting as a Democratic Practice during a Self-Government Reform: Ukrainian Experience Aghasiev, I.; Pavlikha, N.; Riabushenko, N. Article -865753010 1713121213
2018 Strategic Human Resource Practices and its Impact on Performance towards Achieving Organizational Goals Khan, Y. Article 1862994928 -608068020
2017 The necessity of socio-ecological modification of two-tier economic model of secondary resources management in Ukraine Hrytsenko, Larysa Leonidivna; Petrushenko, Mykola Mykolaiovych; Daher, K. Article 2114925046 1559830461
2018 Legal prerequisites of the management of natural resources of the Moon and other celestial bodies Nyka, M. Article 1136120282 -244565686
2018 Risk and cost of sovereign debt in the member states of the European Union as a factor of their economy development Pulay, G.Z. Article 345421090 352162042
2018 Випереджальний аналіз факторів ризику розвитку промислових підприємств Шандова, Н.В. Article 317364340 2099999983
2017 The economic optimization of investment into the territorial development of recreation Hrytsenko, Larysa Leonidivna; Shevchenko, Hanna Mykolaivna; Dakher, K.A. Article 545316584 562422953
2018 Management and motivation of human resources in case of a Slovak multinational corporation Machova, R.; Kosar, S.T.; Hevesi, A. Article -1314655989 528425663
2018 Public-private partnership as the innovative instrument of effective management of Belarusian agro-industrial complex Tsetsiatynets, T.; Chizh, D. Article 87407845 97388062