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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Assessment of innovative activity of Kazakhstan healthcare organizations Shevyakova, A.; Sharip, B. Article 1328815122 1279988828
2024 Commercialization of innovations in Ukrainian book publishing: current trends and prospects Khramova, K.; Shymoshenko, Anastasiia Oleksandrivna; Reshetniak, Yaroslav Viacheslavovych Article 61 20
2015 Identification of the causes of risks under the conditions of innovative development of oil and gas companies Khvostina, I.M.; Pisak, K.V. Article -966661590 -944512770
2011 Iнновацiї як один iз факторiв формування конкурентоспроможностi країни Kasianenko, Volodymyr Oleksiiovych Article -1201384836 -26918583
2017 Theoretical aspects of implementation of the innovation component evaluating model for small business enterprises Ivashchenko, A.I.; Polischuk, Ye.A.; Sybirianska, Yu.V. Article 9712601 17533349
2016 Innovative development and factors affecting the innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Bulgaria Sotirova, A.O. Article 319736990 584139366
2011 Шляхи покращення фінансування інноваційного ровзитку в Україні з використанням міжнародного розвитку Kobushko, Ihor Mykolaiovych; Гусейнова, Е.І. Article 1624086730 -1791399943
2017 Research of innovation activity influence on return of stocks in industrial enterprises Obidjon, G.; Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna Article 308641086 1608860597