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Showing results 120 to 140 of 15250
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2024 Оцінювання екологічного ефекту реалізації схем компенсації втрат екосистем Кобзар, О.М. Article 44 47
2024 Особливості застосування інноваційних технологій у публічному управлінні туристичною дестинацією Хитра, О.В.; Палюх, В.В. Article 28 62
2024 Examining the Relationship between Innovation Activity and Corporate Cooperation among Small and Medium-sized Business Operating in the Slovak ICT Sector Korcsmaros, E.; Machova, R.; Csereova, A. Article 180 36
2024 Territory marketing: study of key trends in the scientific research development Yasnikovski, Adam Marian; Neiman, I.; Dubovenko, M.; Kailiuk, Oleksandr Heorhiiovych Article 70 114
2024 Index assessment of the condition of periodontal tissues in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease Hasiuk, P.; Bezushko, A.; Vorobets, A.; Dzetsiukh, T. Article 72 29
2024 Butane dehydrogenation: Thermodynamic modeling and performance analysis of selected process simulators Barde, E.D.; Oyegoke, T.; Aliyu, A.; Uzochukwu, M.I.; Odih, C. Article 500 260
2024 Controlling by Defects of Switching of ZnO Nanowire Array Surfaces from Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic: First-Principles Calculations Stepanyuk, A.N.; Balabai, R.M. Article 22 33
2024 Обґрунтування комплексного лікування гнійних ускладнень травми стопи у хворих на цукровий діабет Головаха, М.; Кляцький, Ю.; Кожем'яка, М.; Масленніков, С.; Косило, В. Article 24 25
2024 Effect of Electron-Phonon Interaction on the Resistivity of Metal Films as Sensor Electronics Elements Odnodvorets, Larysa Valentynivna; Protsenko, Ivan Yukhymovych; Shabelnyk, Yurii Mykhailovych; Malovana, Nina Volodymyrivna; Nefedchenko, Vasyl Fedorovych; Rylova, Anastasiia Kostiantynivna Article 254 568
2024 Digital Marketing in the Survival and Growth Strategies of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses During the War in Ukraine Oklander, M.; Yashkina, O.; Zlatova, I.; Cicekli, I.; Letunovska, Nataliia Yevhenivna Article 41738902 54486414
2024 PvuII (rs2234693) polymorphism of the estrogen receptor alpha gene in women from Sumy oblast, Ukraine, with endometrial hyperplastic process Tsyndrenko, Nataliia Leonidivna; Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych Article 349 37
2024 The Impact of Online Advertising on Store Visiting: Saudi Arabia Zouaoui, R.; Hamdi, R. Article 1222302 479910
2024 Fe2O3/p-InSe Heterostructures Produced by Spray Pyrolysis Method Orletskii, I.G.; Tkachuk, I.G.; Kovalyuk, Z.D.; Ivanov, V.I.; Zaslonkin, A.V. Article 455 601
2024 Effect of Introduction Layers of Native Oxide, InN, and InSb on the Electrical Characterization of the Au/n-InP Sadoun, A. Article 141 468
2024 Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of Long-COVID development patterns in patients of different age groups Svitailo, Vladyslav Serhiiovych; Chemych, Mykola Dmytrovych Article 28 22
2024 Methodology for service life evaluation of screens welded structures Shkut, A.P. Article 467 321
2024 Compact SIW Based Band Pass Filter for sub 6 GHz Band Application Selvakumar, M.; Ambika, A.; Kumar, A.R.; Sandhya, M.; Sai, A.K.M.; Kasim, S.I. Article 93 172
2024 DFT Modeling of Chemical Reactions Occurring Under the Influence of Positive Ionic Complexes of Aqueous HF Solutions During Electrochemical Etching of Silicon Ptashchenko, F. Article 2032 647
2024 Investigation on Six Element Dipole Array Antenna for ISM Band Wireless Communication Applications Rajarajeshwari, K.C.; Nithiyameenatchi, N.; Priyadharsini, S.; Bala Subramanyam, P.N.V.; Kumari, S.V. Article 61 70
2024 Measurement of Very Small Variation of Effective Resistance of MOSFET Deputed in Active Microgrid Inverter Operation Ghosh, S.S.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Krishna, R.V.V.; Mahapatra, R.K.; Das, A.; Das, S. Article 51 49