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Title Становлення світової політики США наприкінці ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст.
Other Titles Становление мировой политики США в конце ХІХ – начале ХХ вв.
The Development of the World Politics of the USA at the late XIX – early XX centuries
Authors Гончаренко, А.В.
Keywords США
зовнішня політика
foreign policy
внешняя политика
Type Article
Date of Issue 2018
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Гончаренко, А.В. Становлення світової політики США наприкінці ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. [Текст] / А.В. Гончаренко // Сумський історико-архівний журнал. - 2018. - № XXX. - С. 62-74. - DOI:
Abstract У статті досліджено становлення світової політики США наприкінці XIX – на початку ХХ ст. Висвітлено ідеолого-політичні аспекти обґрунтування становлення США як світової держави. Охарактеризовані причини активізації колоніальної експансії США у 90-х роках XIX ст. З’ясована роль основних угруповань усередині американського істеблішменту в питанні активізації колоніальної політики Вашингтону протягом періоду, що досліджується. Проаналізовано міжнародні наслідки посилення колоніальної експансії США після іспано-американської війни та захоплення Філіппін наприкінці XIX – на початку ХХ ст.
The article investigates the formation of US policy in the late XIX – early XX century. There are described ideological and political aspects of the substantiation of the formation of the United States as a world state. There are described also reasons of the intensification of US colonial expansion in the 90’s of the XIX century. It is clarified the role of the major groups in the American establishment in the question of the intensification of Washington’s colonial policy during the investigated period. There were analyzed international consequences of the intensification of US colonial expansion after the Spanish-American war and the capture of the Philippines in the late XIX and early XX centuries. The colonial system was a kind of “laboratory”, which, taking into account local specifics and realities at the end of the XIX and beginning of the XX centuries, worked out a model of the future dominant US status, which is now transforming into a “new world order”, as well as new methods of neocolonial domination. US political, economic and military intervention in colonial relations pursued far-reaching geostrategic goals. Acquisition and use of the colonies as a powerful bridgehead for strengthening American expansion should also have been concealed by the White House’s active intervention in European affairs. The methods of this task, developed by the American leadership in the late XIX – early XX centuries, have become a classic model for the actions of American neocolonialism in other regions. At the end of the XIX century – at the beginning of the XX century the United States goes to the forefront as a world power with its own specific interests in many parts of the world. The sharp increase in US naval forces during this period makes them a serious factor in international politics, and reflects on the foreign policy line of the largest powers of that time. Separating from the metropolis, the North American colonies from the very beginning absorbed many of the essential features inherent in England. The transition of Cuba to the political and economic impact of the United States was prepared in the early 80’s XIX century. The 1901 amendment, which foresees the deployment of US military bases on the territory of Cuba and forbade the surrender of any part of its territory to foreign countries, was aimed at the strategic use of the island – the military bases on it controlled the approaches to the Panama Canal, and the ban on surrender The lease of Cuban territory was supposed to provide security to American strategic interests in the region. The capture of the Philippines after the Spanish-American War of 1898 allowed the US to actively engage in politics in China, but the US government did not possess military-political means to support its interests in the region, and therefore was not interested in turning China into a colony or zones of influence of the leading countries. In addition, the White House was concerned about lowering the temptation of large powers to capture the Philippines itself. It must be assumed that it was precisely in this regard that the principle of “open doors” was based on equal opportunities. The policy of building military bases in the key regions of the world, at the same time, the promotion of diplomatic methods by the principle of “equal opportunity” for trade in colonies with the onset of active colonial expansion in the United States were developed.
В статье исследовано становление мировой политики США в конце XIX – начале ХХ вв. Освещены идейно-политические аспекты обоснования становления США как мировой державы. Охарактеризованы причины активизации колониальной экспансии США в 90-х годах XIX в. Выяснена роль основных группировок внутри американского истеблишмента в вопросе активизации колониальной политики Вашингтона в течение исследуемого периода. Проанализированы международные последствия усиления колониальной экспансии США после испано-американской войны и захвата Филиппин в конце XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Appears in Collections: Сумський історико-архівний журнал


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