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Title Організаційно-економічні засади управління комунікаційними бізнес-процесами промислових підприємств
Other Titles Organizational and Economic Foundations of Management of Communication Business Processes of Industrial Enterprises
Authors Zavrazhnyi, Kostiantyn Yuriiovych  
Keywords бізнес-модель
комунікаційні бізнеспроцеси
промислове підприємство
трудовий підхід
business model
communication business processes
industrial enterprise
labor approach
Type PhD Thesis
Date of Issue 2020
Publisher Сумський державний університет
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Завражний, К.Ю. Організаційно-економічні засади управління комунікаційними бізнес-процесами промислових підприємств [Текст]: дисертація ... канд. екон. наук, спец.: 08.00.04 - економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності) / К.Ю. Завражний; наук. кер. І.М. Сотник. - Суми: СумДУ, 2020. - 247 с.
Abstract У дисертації вперше запропоновано концептуальну ієрархічно-матричну модель імплементації цифрових трансформацій у комунікаційні бізнес-процеси промислових підприємств, удосконалено підхід до обгрунтування рішень щодо цифрової трансформації таких бізнес-процесів, організаційно-економічні засади управління ними на основі автоматизації бюджетування, розвинено підхід до оптимізації комунікаційних бізнес-процесів на підставі моделювання, поглиблено класифікацію бізнес-моделей підприємств, визначено ключові вимоги до цифровізації комунікаційних бізнес-процесів і розвинено модель О. Остервальдера та І. Піньє з урахуванням викликів цифровізації бізнесу.
For the first time, the paper proposes a conceptual hierarchically matrix model for the implementation of digital transformations in communication business processes of industrial enterprises, which includes the following blocks: 1) determinants and principles of conceptual changes; 2) directions for adjusting the mission, goals, strategies and internal architectonics of business processes; 3) tools for making management decisions on digitalization of communication business processes; 4) the mechanism of convergence of these components and their structural subject-object relationships. The use of the model by enterprises will allow formalizing the processes of introducing digital changes into their activities in general and concretizing the directions of digitalization of communication business processes in particular. The approach to substantiating decisions on the digital transformation of communication business processes has been improved, which differs from the existing ones by a clear formalization of criteria, a justification of the mechanism for implementing a digitalization project, and an assessment of the economic efficiency of its implementation based on a modernized labor approach (comparative assessment of labor costs not only of the customer, but also the performer that allows minimizing the time spent at each stage of the project for all participants in the process). The approach helps formalize the management decisions of enterprises on the implementation of information technologies in communication business processes and makes it possible to quickly adapt various aspects of communication business processes to the challenges of the external environment, flexibly respond to customization needs and accelerate (through optimization) all business processes of enterprises in general. The organizational and economic foundations of the management of communication business processes of enterprises have been improved based on the automation of budgeting processes, which, unlike the existing ones, are based on a system combination of BAS ERP and Bitrix24 software products and provide for the formalization of the workflow, data analysis and organization of enterprise activities based on data synchronization when exchanging information between stakeholders. This allows improving the quality of communication business processes, minimize the costs of their implementation, and significantly reduce the time for making management decisions. The approach to optimizing communication business processes based on economic and mathematical modeling was further developed which, unlike others, is based on diagnostics of the existing system of communication business processes, assessing their duration, determining the effectiveness of the work of performers and provides for the use of a model with a three-level system restrictions (on the fund of working time, the cost of providing communication business processes and staff qualifications). The application of the model allows formation of a scientifically grounded information and communication basis for the successful operation of enterprises. The structural and logical essence of modeling business processes at industrial enterprises has been developed by: expanding the system of classification features of business models of enterprises by criteria of innovation, added consumer value, and organization; clarification of the key requirements for digitalization of communication business processes; modification of the model by A. Osterwalder and Y. Pigneur by adding a new block "Technologies" and clarifying the content of other blocks, considering the specifics of business digitalization. This allows presenting an integral structure of interrelated components of a business model, which clearly demonstrate the directions and types of its changes and the enterprise’s competitive advantages. Theoretical and methodological provisions, conclusions and recommendations of the thesis are brought to the level of practical developments, which is confirmed by acts of their implementation in the activities of domestic industrial enterprises, as well as in the educational process of Sumy State University. The obtained results provide a significant increase in the efficiency of management of communication business processes of enterprises in the context of modern digital challenges.
Appears in Collections: Дисертації


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