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Title Організаційно-економічні засади запровадження розумних енергомереж в енергетичному секторі України
Other Titles Organizational and economic principles of smart grid implemen-tation in the energy sector of Ukraine
Authors Vakulenko, Ihor Anatoliiovych  
Keywords розумні енергомережі
енергетичний сектор
інтегрована енергоцентрована модель економіки
національна економіка
smart grids
energy sector
integrated energy-centered economy model
national economy
Type PhD Thesis
Date of Issue 2020
Publisher Сумський державний університет
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Вакуленко І. А. Організаційно-економічні засади запровадження розумних енергомереж в енергетичному секторі України : дис. ... канд. екон. наук : 08.00.03. Суми, 2020. 252 с.
Abstract У роботі поглиблено теоретичні засади дослідження структурно-функціонального середовища формування та розвитку концепції розумних енергомереж; здійснено еволюційний, географічний і змістовний аналізи її розвитку; визначено вплив ефективності політики запровадження розумних енергомереж на соціальні й економічні індикатори розвитку та обґрунтовано їх роль у розбудові в Україні інтегрованої енергоцентрованої моделі економіки; розроблено теоретичне підґрунтя компаративного аналізу наявних систем оцінювання ефективності розумних енергомереж і запропоновано методичний інструментарій інтегрального оцінювання ефективності їх функціонування, що передбачає врахування його цільового призначення, прямих та опосередкованих ефектів від розвитку розумних енергомереж, можливостей подальшої їх оптимізації; поглиблено методичне підгрунтя та розроблено дорожню карту запровадження розумних енергомереж в енергетичному секторі національної економіки; удосконалено методичні засади узгодження інтересів стейкхолдерів під час розбудови розумних енергомереж через застосування організаційно-комунікаційної схеми їх взаємодії.
The thesis examines the development of economic and organizational principles for implementing the smart grid to form an integrated energy-centric model of Ukraine's economy following the European Union's single energy policy. Accordingly, using VOSviewer v.1.6.10 and Google Trends tools, the author investigated the theoretical foundations of the study of the structural and functional environment of the smart grids concept formation and development. It allowed us to identify and describe patterns in the following dimensions. Evolutionary: in this context, four stages of the evolution of scientific and public interest in smart grids were identified and characterized during the period 2008 – august 2020. Geographical: analysis of this dimension of smart grids allowed the development of a cluster of international research networks to study smart grids' deployment. The thesis found that scientists from EU countries have the largest number of joint publications. In contrast, American researchers' publications are mononational (prepared without foreign scientists' participation), although the absolute number of studies conducted by scientists from the United States makes them undisputed leaders. Semantic: the research identified five cross-sectoral study clusters and the most relevant areas related to smart grids. These areas are renewable energy, energy storage and electrification, energy management, and information technologies. The research also revealed trends in changing the direction of smart grids' economic analysis from approaches to tariff formation and commercialization of smart grids to study smart grids' global economic model and their technical and economic efficiency energy consumption patterns. The thesis proposed a scientific and methodological approach to assessing the impact of smart grids' policy on country's socio-economic development. It was done through a systematic combination of tools to verify the nature of data distribution, equality of sample variances, comparison of their means, and regression analysis of time data. It allowed to empirically confirm the importance of developing smart grids in the economy's energy sector to increase its social and economic development. A methodological basis for a comparative analysis of existing systems for evaluating smart grids' efficiency was formed. The approach was based on identifying functionally significant components of smart grids and the most relevant of them under the objectives of the energy sector of the national economy. These components are sustainability, information, economic, technical, communicative efficiency, environmental friendliness, and electric transport infrastructure in smart grids. It allowed to evaluating and ranking the existing systems for measuring the efficiency of smart grids in state regulation of the economy's energy sector under the standard EU energy policy requirements. The integrated approach to smart grids` efficiency evaluation was developed. The proposed method takes into account the purpose of the assessment. It allowed for a more accurate evaluation of potential or existing smart grids and measured smart grids development's effectiveness at the regional and national levels. Establishing the optimal number of areas for assessing smart grids, formalization of the methodological basis for their quantification, aggregation of indicators by groups and areas of assessment, taking into account direct and indirect effects, opportunities for further optimization of smart grids, and ensuring their compliance with the strategic task of building an integrated energy centered model in Ukraine was presented as a component of the integrated evaluation approach. Designed roadmap for developing smart grids in Ukraine is based on benchmarking analysis of leading countries' experience. This roadmap formalizes a list of specific measures to develop domestic energy infrastructure, regulatory interventions, and policies' openness to energy-efficient solutions. The roadmap explains each stakeholders` necessary activity according to the smart grid development process's main stages. These stages are adapting distributed energy generation to the energy system, creating decentralized and dispersed energy networks. The roadmap is based on a combination of phased development and localization of smart grids. It provides for the mass deployment of homogeneous smart energy technologies and the simultaneous implementation of pilot projects for smart grids. An organizational and communication scheme of stakeholder interaction is a tool to activate drivers for smart grids. It helps to implement energy-efficient smart grid projects and support their scaling to the national economy level. The scheme uses as a base the modification of the smart grid maturity model. The organizational and communication scheme promotes the integration of value chains, increases asset management efficiency, and creates the preconditions for further expansion of smart grids.
Appears in Collections: Дисертації


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