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Title Організаційно-економічні засади управління екологічними ризиками підприємства
Other Titles Organizational and economic principles of environmental risk management at the enterprise
Authors Korobets, Olena Mykhailivna
Keywords екодеструктивний вплив
екологічний ризик
екоорієнтований розвиток
eco-destructive impact
environmental risk
eco-oriented development
Type Synopsis
Date of Issue 2021
Publisher Сумський державний університет
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Коробець, О. М. Організаційно-економічні засади управління екологічними ризиками підприємства : автореф. дис. ... канд. екон. наук : 08.00.04. Суми, 2021. 20 с.
Abstract Дисертаційна робота присвячена розробленню теоретико-методичних засад функціонування системи управління екологічними ризиками підприємства у контексті забезпечення його конкурентоспроможності. У роботі поглиблено методичне підгрунтя дослідження еволюції теорії управління екологічними ризиками, розвинено концептуальні засади формування системи управління екологічними ризиками підприємства, поглиблено типологізацію підходів і розроблено науково-методичний підхід до інтегрального оцінювання ефективності системи управління екологічними ризиками, емпірично підтверджено гіпотезу про позитивний вплив ефективності системи управління екологічними ризиками на рівень прибутковості підприємства, удосконалено науково-методичний підхід до оцінювання запасу міцності системи управління екологічними ризиками.
Thesis devoted to developing theoretical and methodological principles of the environmental risk management system at the enterprise in the framework to increase the competitiveness at the market. The author developed a methodical basis of analysis of the evolution of environmental risk management. The bibliometric analysis results allowed identifying the exponential trend of publishing activity on the environmental risk management theory. The results of a comparative analysis of the frequency of queries in the Google search engine with the dynamics of publication activity in the database Scopus proved the convergence between trends in search activity on the environmental risk and effective instruments to minimise them. Six clusters of scientific alliances by their geographical affiliation were identified, which contributed to the development of the environmental risk management theory: Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden (cluster 1); USA, Germany, France, Spain (cluster 2); Hong Kong, South Africa, Thailand (cluster 3); Canada, Australia (cluster 4); Italy, Japan, South Korea (cluster 5); China, New Zealand (cluster 6). Five complementary clusters were defined by the level of semantic closeness of economic research on environmental risk management theory: ecological economics theory, risk theory, theory of environmental damage management; management theory in the health care system; theory of production waste recycling. The conceptual framework of environmental risk management at the enterprise was developed. It integrally combined organisational and functional components of environmental risk management, specifying its place in the enterprise's internal subsystem and highlighting its impact on the enterprises' performance. It was argued that environmental risk management should be based on the following principles: prevention (forecasting and assessment of explicit and latent consequences of environmental risk management); conditionality (observance of quality standards of the organization of production and technological processes at the enterprise); convergence (coordination of marketing, economic, technological and social determinants of environmental risk management considering the direct and indirect consequences of environmental risk at the company); complementarity (consideration of the environmental risk management as an integral part of the enterprise management system); screening and monitoring (analysis of deviations of enterprise functioning from their normative values and probability of bifurcation provoking environmental risk); loyalty (transparency of environmental reporting and positioning as a socially and environmentally responsible enterprise in order to create a positive image among stakeholders, increase the value of products for consumers). The thesis developed the approaches for assessing the environmental risk management efficiency at the enterprise related to the parameters and procedure of estimation: probabilistic-cyclic, subjective-analytical, system-dynamic. In the investigation, the last approach (system-dynamic approach) was taken as a basis. It allowed considering the international requirements for improving corporate risk management system at the company. The author developed the approaches to estimate the environmental risk management efficiency at the enterprise. The finding proved that PJSC "ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih" among analysed enterprises had positive environmental risk management efficiency (growth from 0.81 in 2012 to 1.00 in 2019). These positive dynamics were due to the reduction of environmental taxes and fines paid at the enterprise and the increase of transparency. The environmental risk management efficiency was within low and medium levels during the studied period for the enterprises of PJSC "Zaporizhkoks", PJSC "Dniprospetsstal", PJSC "Dniprovsky Metallurgical Combinat", PJSC "Nikopol Ferroalloy Company". The main inhibitors were Strat and Operat in combination with the inconsistency of internal enterprise management. The hypothesis on the positive influence of environmental risk management efficiency on the enterprise's profitability was confirmed. The findings of structural modelling tools and techniques PLS-SEM showed a positive, statistically significant relationship between environmental risk management efficiency and enterprise's profitability. The targets for eco-oriented enterprise's development and the relevant environmental risk management should consider all stakeholders' interests. Using the uncertainty theory, accounting for the limit values of components' changes of the environmental risk system and the Hurwitz criterion, the author estimated the environmental risk system's margin of safety. The empirical results confirmed that the most important component of ensuring the safety margin of the environmental risk system should be considered strategic goals (ω = 0.36). It could explained by the reform of the Ukrainisn metallurgical industry considering the "Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine until 2030", where the environmental factor was defined as the core determinants of ensuring company’s competitiveness. The weights for the components "operational objectives", "transparency of enterprise reporting" and "compliance with current legislation in the field of environmental protection" were 0.27, 0.18 and 0.19, respectively. The findings proved that the estimated margin of safety of environmental risk system at PJSC "Dnieper Metallurgical Combinat" decreased 2019 by 28 % compared to 2012, while at other surveyed enterprises there was an increase: PJSC "ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih" by 16 %, PJSC "Zaporizhkoks" by 11 %, PJSC "Dniprospetsstal" by 16 %, PJSC "Nikopol Ferroalloy Company" by 26 %. It allowed justifying the differentiating of environmental risk management types (possible, targeted, intensive) depending on the value of the efficiency index of environmental risk management at the enterprise and the margin of safety.
Appears in Collections: Автореферати


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