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Title Маркетингові детермінанти управління зеленою конкурентоспроможністю
Other Titles Marketing Determinants of Green Competitiveness Management
Authors Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna  
Keywords зелена конкурентоспроможність
зелені споживачі
маркетинг зелених товарів
маркетингові детермінанти
маркетингові канали комунікації та просування
омніканальний маркетинг
сталий розвиток
стейкхолдерський маркетинг
green competitiveness
green consumers
marketing of green goods
marketing determinants
marketing channels of communication and promotion
omnichannel marketing
sustainable development
stakeholder marketing
Type PhD Thesis
Date of Issue 2021
Publisher Сумський державний університет
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Чигрин, О. Ю. Маркетингові детермінанти управління зеленою конкурентоспроможністю : дис. ... д-ра екон. наук : 08.00.04. Суми, 2021. 480 с.
Abstract У дисертації поглиблено теоретичні засади виявлення закономірностей розвитку теорії зеленої конкурентоспроможності, розвинено науково-методичне обгрунтування ролі маркетингових детермінант при її дослідженні; поглиблено наукове підгрунтя типологізації теоретико-методичних підходів до визначення її сутності; вдосконалено трактування сутності зеленої конкурентоспроможності та концептуальні засади її формування; поглиблено науково-методичне підгрунтя типологізації підходів до оцінювання зеленої конкурентоспроможності; розроблено теоретико-методологічне підгрунтя оцінювання рівня зеленої конкурентоспроможності; емпірично підтверджено гіпотезу про взаємозв’язок між інтегральним індексом зеленої конкурентоспроможності та рівнем каплингу її складових; побудовано науково-методичне підгрунтя довгострокового прогнозування трансформації рівня зеленої конкурентоспроможності; розроблено науково-методичний підхід визначення впливу інтеграції стейкхолдерів у систему управління підприємством; удосконалено науково-методичний підхід до обгрунтування ролі критеріїв якості маркетингових каналів комунікації; поглиблено теоретико-методологічні засади обгрунтування причинно-наслідкових зв’язків між релевантними характеристиками маркетингових каналів комунікації та рівнем зеленої конкурентоспроможності підприємств.
The dissertation is devoted to the development of a theoretical-methodological and methodological basis for the formation of marketing support of green competitiveness at the enterprises of Ukraine. The results of a bibliometric analysis conducted using VOSViewer v.1.6.10, Scopus Tools Analysis and Web of Science Results Analysis allowed to determine the basic prerequisites and main stages of green competitiveness formation: 1) associated with the traditional understanding of competitiveness, its global measurement, development of processes of greening of economic activity; 2) associated with the greening of business and the development of a green economy; 3) related to the analysis of competitiveness in the context of green marketing strategies; 4) the formation of the concept of GC directly. Empirical substantiation of marketing determinants of green competitiveness using the tools of Google Analytics, Google Trends, correlation analysis and the method of smoothing the time series of commercial and scientific search queries showed that almost all categories within different groups of determinants have the correlation link by trend component is 99 % (categories: green marketing strategies, green pricing, green supply chains, green networks, green web tools, green brand, green advertising, green promotion). According to the cyclical component, the closeness of correlations between scientific and commercial search queries is: green marketing strategies – 10 %, green logistics – 8 %, green pricing – 52 %, green supply chains – 48 % (group of determinants of sustainable development ); green networks – 1 %, green platforms – 47 %, green digital tools – 34 %, green web tools – 37 % (group of media information determinants); green brand – 64 %, green advertising – 10 %, green promotion – 49 % (group of determinants of targeted marketing). Theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of green competitiveness depending on the markers of green competitive advantages are structured: the marker of "greening of economic activity" – process and commodity; the marker of "implementation of marketing tools to provide support green competitiveness" – marketing and analytical; the marker of "presence of internal economic ecologically oriented regulatory framework" – regulatory and organizational; the marker of “stakeholder inclusion and green infrastructure” – stakeholder infrastructure. Green competitiveness should be understood as the company's ability to form and effectively use green competitive advantages, their convergent and complementary effects, ensuring sustainable development of enterprises, expanding the company's position in the market, increasing investment attractiveness and capitalization, form an environmental brand. The concept of green competitiveness formation of enterprises should be based on an integrated combination of principles of dissemination, transparency, convergence and adaptability, taking into account the levels of convergence and complementary effects of green competitiveness, based on the identification of strategies and models of behaviour of enterprises in providing green competitiveness. Approaches to the assessment of corporate green competitiveness combine two criteria and are divided into the following groups: dynamic-rating, decomposition-conversion, cluster-anatomical, fractal-comparative, parametric-entropy analysis. This allowed to isolate the most informative indicators of green competitiveness, and the parametric-entropy approach to the greatest extent takes into account the reference values of green competitiveness indicators and eliminates the subjective nature of the assessment. The results of the application of entropy and taxonomic methods allowed to carry out an integrated assessment of the level of green competitiveness, which indicates the differentiation of its level for different industries. The hypothesis of the existence of a relationship between the integral index of the green competitiveness and the level of coupling of its components has been confirmed. The highest level of coupling among all components of the green competitiveness is typical for PJSC “Motor Sich” (0.772), PJSC “SVF Agroton” (0.716), PJSC “Wimm-Bill-Dan Ukraine” (0.769), and corporate and marketing determinants are dominant.Long-term forecasting of the green competitiveness level transformation involves the use of ARIMA autoregressive integrated modelling tools by the nonlinear least squares method. The leading enterprises in the level of green competitiveness in the optimistic scenario are PJSC "SVF Agrotron" (agro-industrial complex) – 0.84; PJSC "Wimm-Bill-Dann Ukraine" (light industry) – 0.73; PJSC "Motor Sich" (mechanical engineering) – 0.74. The hypothesis of increasing the level of green competitiveness by integrating stakeholders into the enterprise management system was confirmed. The application of reflective-formative evaluation model using structural modelling tools and PLSSEM techniques showed a positive statistically significant relationship between the level of integration of stakeholders in the enterprise management system and green competitiveness at the level of 0.671, and the impact of personalization of communications with stakeholders on the level of green competitiveness amounted to 0.936. The promotion and enhancement of green competitiveness will be ensured through the implementation of an omnichannel strategy combined with the use of different combinations of marketing channels of communication and the identification of causal relationships between relevant quality criteria. The hypothesis of a statistically significant discrepancy between the quality parameters of the marketing channels of communication and the levels of green competitiveness was confirmed. The causal relationships between the relevant characteristics of the marketing channels of communication and the level of green competitiveness are substantiated. The results of practical calculations using the tools of cognitive modelling of complex systems and regression analysis determined the feasibility of a systematic combination of offline and digital marketing channels of communication in the promotion of green competitiveness, determined the strength of the relationship between the quality parameters of marketing channels of communication (for image measures – 0.66, for remarketing – 0.48, which will increase the level of green competitiveness by 0.111 and 0.133 points, respectively).
Appears in Collections: Дисертації


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