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Title Економіко-організаційні засади врахування інтелектуальної складової екологічно сталого розвитку
Other Titles Economic and organizational principles of taking into account the intellectual component of ecologically sustainable development
Authors Denysenko, Pavlo Anatoliiovych  
Keywords екологічно сталий розвиток
еколого-економічна система
економічне зростання
забруднення довкілля
людський капітал
економічні перетворення
ecologically sustainable development
ecological and economic system
economic growth
environmental pollution
human capital
economic transformations
Type PhD Thesis
Date of Issue 2021
Publisher Сумський державний університет
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Денисенко, П. А. Економіко-організаційні засади врахування інтелектуальної складової екологічно сталого розвитку : дис. ... канд. екон. наук : 08.00.06. Суми, 2021. 222 с.
Abstract Дисертацію присвячено обгрунтуванню науково-методичних положень щодо розроблення економіко-організаційних засад урахування інтелектуальної складової екологічно сталого розвитку. У дисертації висунуто й теоретично обгрунтовано наукові положення довгострокового екологічно сталого розвитку соціо-економічних систем з урахуванням інтелектуальної складової, в яких доведено існування експоненційної форми впливу індикаторів досягнень економіки знань на питомі показники ресурсопродуктивності в процесах виробництва валової доданої вартості, що дозволяє більш виважено реалізовувати цільові програми національного розвитку забезпечення ресурсної / енергетичної безпеки та екологічної стійкості. Визначено тип інтелектуалізації господарської діяльності, який з урахуванням антропогенного навантаження, структурних економічних ефектів та енергозалежності найбільшою мірою сприяє екологічно сталому зростанню, розвинено теоретичні положення й емпіричні оцінки щодо поглиблення сутності сталого розвитку на основі узгодження досягнень рівнів інтелектуалізації процесів господарювання на стадіях виробництва, розподілу та споживання продукції з метою недопущення дивергенції інтелектуальних показників і зростання розривів щодо рівнів ресурсопродуктивності господарських систем.
The dissertation is devoted to the substantiation of scientific and methodical positions concerning development of economic and organizational systems considering the intellectual component of environmentally sustainable development. It is substantiated the scientific provisions of long-term environmentally sustainable development of socio-economic systems with account of the intellectual component, which proved the existence of an exponential influence of knowledge economy indicators on specific indicators of resource productivity in gross value-added production. It is found that with the growth of the Knowledge economy index (KEI) per one unit, the indicator of resource productivity (RP) in the group of selected European countries increases by of 0.7 Euro per 1 kg. The increasing return to scale and knowledge-intensive economy provide a base for sustainable development. As it may be expected, the increase in the level of intellectual activity within the economy improves the labour productivity (LP) as more skilled workers widely use more complicated and advanced technologies gaining more outcome per person. At the same time, the linear model is the one to most adequately describe the positive correlation between KEI and LP. So the gradual improvement in productivity of skilled workers as economy goes deeper into being knowledge based is shown empirically but without explosion-like dynamics. The proven existence of an exponential relationship between indicators of the knowledge economy and resource productivity allowed to form effective arguments for economic policy in order to invest in the intellectualization of production processes. Scientific and methodological provisions for expanding the essence of components of ecologically balanced development of socio-economic systems are proposed, in which, in contrast to the existing ones, a criterion of coordination of achievements of levels of intellectualization of economic processes at stages of production, distribution and consumption is proposed. It is established that intellectual convergence is a factor that helps to balance both the economic component of regional development and environmental. Intellectual convergence and increasing the level of intellectualization of production and consumption is the basis for further sustainable development of the national economy as a whole. It is established that the knowledge economy is associated with an increase in the "ecological footprint", and innovative development has a negative impact on the environment. At the same time, the direction of this connection is paradoxically positive (a larger value of the KEI corresponds to a larger value of the "environmental footprint"), along with economic development, consumer needs and the corresponding load on integrated resources increase. The ecological and economic criterion for assessing the orientation of the intellectual and innovative component of economic activity to ensure sustainable development proves that the extensive indicator of economic development (quantitatively expressed in absolute terms) should be less than the rate of resource use in conventional terms. It is developed the methodological approaches to empirical assessment of the relationship between sustainable development goals and the intellectual component of the socio-economic system in the direction of determining the rating and ranking of regional development, which allows to recommend practical tools to promote environmentally sustainable development of relevant administrative-territorial systems. Scientific and methodological approaches to the classification of types of economic growth have been improved, which, in contrast to the existing ones, are based on the essence of driving forces and impact on the ecosystem, taking into account the intellectual component, as well as to formalize for each of them the basis, target, impact on the ecosystem and the consequences for the ecosystem, which makes it possible to identify trends in ecosystem resources from the standpoint of sustainable development. Scientific and methodological approaches to assessing the intellectual component of the innovative potential of ecologically sustainable development of the region are studied, which in contrast to the existing ones take into account personal, structural, interface and modified potentials of ecological orientation. Assessment of the intellectual potential of ecologically sustainable development of the region should take into account the educational, research and innovation, interface and environmental components to justify regional development strategies on the basis of environmental and economic sustainability. On the example of Sumy region, it is determined that the greatest lag of intellectual potential from the national level is observed in the educational component. In determining the intellectual potential of Sumy region in 2010-2018, three of the four components were improved, including the environmental component. Scientific and methodological provisions have been developed to determine the essence of the components of ecologically balanced development of socio-economic systems, which, in contrast to the existing ones, propose a criterion for harmonizing the achievements of levels of intellectualization of economic processes at the stages of production. It is determined the type of intellectualization of economic activity, which takes into account the anthropogenic load, structural economic effects, energy dependence, and the most contributes to environmentally sustainable growth. It is developed the theoretical positions and empirical estimates for determination of the most statistically adequate forms of dependencies between the achievements of intellectualization indicators and specific indicators of LP / RP in the processes of gross value added production.
Appears in Collections: Дисертації


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