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Title Еколого-економічна організація системи сталого сільськогосподарського землекористування
Other Titles Ecological and economic organization of the system of sustainable agricultural land use
Authors Макарова, В.В.
Keywords еколого-економічна організація
сільськогосподарське землекористування
екологічні деструкції
екологічна потужність
суспільні та приватні інтереси
ecological and economic organization
agricultural land use
ecological destructions
ecological power
public and private interests
Type PhD Thesis
Date of Issue 2021
Publisher Сумський державний університет
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Макарова, В. В. Еколого-економічна організація системи сталого сільськогосподарського землекористування : дис. ... д-ра екон. наук : 08.00.06. Суми, 2021. 492 с.
Abstract Дисертаційну роботу присвячено обґрунтуванню і розробленню теоретикометодологічних і науково-методичних положень еколого-економічної організації системи сталого с.-г. землекористування із запровадженням комплексу обмежувальних нормативів. У дисертації визначені концептуальні засади формування просторово-часової моделі системи с.-г. землекористування та розроблено дорожньо-лагову карту формування усталеної структури системи с.-г. землекористування. Досліджено та поглиблено наукові засади визначення системи сталого с.-г. землекористування, розроблено науково-методологічне підґрунтя об’єктно-публічного сценарію структуризації системи с.-г. землекористування та запропоновано матрицю еколого-економічних регуляторів процесу землекористування. Визначено науково-методологічні засади концепції еколого-економічної організації системи с.-г. землекористування, запропоновано покрокову модель побудови обмежувального середовища як основи системи сталого землекористування. Обґрунтовано методологію визначення фактора екологічної потужності системи землекористування з урахуванням ефекту декаплінгу, запропоновано матрицю екологічних умов та економічних можливостей для груп адміністративних областей відповідно до тренду коливань фактора екологічної потужності. Поглиблено науково-методологічні засади визначення індексу цінності земель та визначені на його базі можливі сценарії розвитку системи с.-г. землекористування, визначено вплив принципу інформаційно-технологічного внеску на ринкову вартість с.-г. земель, обґрунтовано й емпірично перевірено науково-методичний підхід до оцінювання екологічних деструкцій в системі с.-г. землекористування. Практична реалізація наведених пропозицій дозволяє забезпечити довгострокове економічне зростання с.-г. виробництва за мінімально-прийнятного використання земельного ресурсу.
The dissertation is devoted to development and substantiation of theoreticalmethodological and scientific-methodological provisions ecological and economic organization of sustainable agricultural land use with the introduction of complex system-restrictive regulations, standards, rules and obligations to preserve productive farmland properties not only for the present but also for future generations. The dissertation for the first time develops and substantiates the concept of ecological and economic organization of the agricultural land use system as a mode of stable functioning of the system structure for the implementation of ecological and economic transformations that involve modification of the system structure and connections between its elements and parts. This approach makes it possible to identify the characteristics of passing transformational changes in the land use in the context of an organization structural construction, in the smallest way would be dependent on the factors of natural or anthropogenic, maintaining their attribute properties and remain suitable to withstand the environmental destruction taking place in the domestic and external environments. The conceptual expression "base fee" of the space-time model of the agricultural land use system was introduced on the topic of the work, as a graphical representation of the stochastic locations of the reference and end points of transformation events. At the same time, the applicant has identified five sectors of the "base fee" of the model: regressive, extensive, progressive, environmental and balanced, each of which was formed in accordance with the predicted consequences of transformational events that were to take place in the structure of the system. Examining the direction of transformations in the five sectors of the environmental-economic "baseline", it is realistic to predict both the interaction of economic and environmental determinants, and the possible consequences of possible transformational actions. The dominant transformation trajectories (legal, organizational, social, managerial, economic and ecological), which were implemented in the system of agricultural land use, are traced. The dissertation substantiates the judgment that organizational-legal and economic-ecological system transformations are related to each other and lead to structural transformation of the whole system in the context of its loss of the management framework and departure to a state different from the organized one. The term "organization" in this aspect is defined as the reconstruction or complete renewal of the relationships and connections between the elements of the system disorganized as a result of transformational transformations. At the same time, the dissertation revealed the diversity of vectors of economic and environmental development, which should be adjusted in the direction of the system of the indicated tasks. The dissertation stipulates the scientific and methodological principles of structuring the system of agricultural land use, which currently provides for the establishment of regulatory relations between land users for the formation of patterns of environmental and economic relations, which provides an opportunity to reorient unsystematic actions of land users to systemic behavioral patterns. The implementation of such proposals allows us to recognize the concept of ecological and economic organization of the system of sustainable agricultural land use as a process associated with the separation in one way or another set of standardized restrictions, in which each regulatory norm does not replace the content of others, transmits some information , performs a function aimed at reconciling public and subjective interests and regulating procedures or methods of productive agricultural land use. A structural and logical model of coordination of public and private interests in the use of agricultural lands, which provides a comprehensive approach to the coordination or combination of private interests, which are closely related to the use of productive properties of agricultural lands, and public interests due to natural fertility as a resource, which ensures the existence of human civilization. Theoretical-methodological and scientific-methodical provisions on approaches and directions in the field of coordination of economic-personal and ecological-social interests in the market of agricultural land are developed, as a result of which the work concludes that the state, as a leader of public opinion, has all necessary levers to invent a compromise of interests, using in a public trajectory organizational tools for the normalization of subjective claims in the market of agricultural land. The presented mechanism of social harmonization minimizes the interdependence of land market participants and their impact on meeting the vital needs of future generations both in a particular region and throughout Ukraine. The development of a road-lag map on the organization of the established structure of the system of agricultural land use under the conditions of ecological destruction of different orientation and content is argued, which helps to solve the problem of minimizing the negative anthropogenic impact on the productive properties of agricultural lands or reducing annual losses under the action of ecological transformations of different content and different orientation. Improved theoretical and methodological principles of bringing the principle of contribution to the procedure of assessing the current quality of agricultural land, which provide a stable relationship between the value of land or its part and the usefulness of such object for the owner or land user, and indicate the need , capital and managerial and entrepreneurial skills in solving the problem of forming a modern organization of agricultural land use, which would largely guarantee the preservation and restoration of quality properties of agricultural coal in the long run from the standpoint of providing the population and production of agricultural products. Received further development and substantiation of scientific and methodological approach to the construction of a consolidated matrix of linking environmental conditions and economic opportunities of agricultural lands, which involves the coordination of multilevel sets of basic environmental constraints and ensuring the productivity of agricultural lands, according to which long-term resource. It have been developed the scientific and methodical approach to determining the integral factor of environmental destruction, which taking into account the totality of current ecological indicators of agricultural land. It is the basis in determining the productive properties of cultivable land, the use of which allows to adjust the market value of farmland that is the product of specific factors which acquire the relative values of conformity to a set of restrictive rules. It is substantiated that the system factor of ecological capacity should be perceived as the ability of the system of agricultural land use, its constituent subsystems or individual elements to synthesize, identify, update, accumulate and multiply value (useful) properties, thus providing the necessary productivity for the constantly growing subjects or variously structured social formations. Indicators of the factor of ecological capacity take into account the state of agricultural lands on the balance of humus, nutrients and a set of chemical components. The set of these characteristics should include, on the one hand, indicators of economic orientation (for example, the average yield of cereals), and, on the other hand, indicators that give an idea of the current state of soils of productive agricultural land. Under this approach, the optimum should be set in the levels of land use with different agricultural groups of soils. The dissertation scientifically substantiates the definition of the value index of agricultural land as an indicator that reflects the actual level of sustainability in the functioning of the agricultural land use system and allows optimizing the structure of organizational coordination of production tactics and strategies of agricultural producers, scenarios for the development of the agricultural land use system. Scientifically grounded and theoretically confirmed the hypothesis concerning the organization structure of sustainable land use as a mode of sustainable operation of the system organization that ensures the formation of balanced and harmonized land relations ecological and economic orientation and is suitable to accept the transformation of the external and internal environments and rebuilt under their influence in a way to maintain the quality properties of agricultural lands involved in the agricultural production process for as long as possible.
Appears in Collections: Дисертації


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