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Title Spent lithium ion batteries as a source of incoming of lithium and heavy metals in humans and animals bodies
Authors Illiashenko, Viacheslav Yuriiovych  
Deineko, O.S.
Yaroshchuk, R.A.
Khvorost, T.V.
Shubenko, M.M.
Keywords літій
літій-іонні батареї
lithium-ion batteries
атомно-абсорбційна спектрометрія
atomic absorption spectrometry
макро- і мікроелементи
macro- and microelements
органи і тканини щурів
organs and tissue of rats
Type Conference Papers
Date of Issue 2019
Publisher MCYR
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation V. Yu. Illiashenko, O. S. Deineko, R. A. Yaroshchuk, T. V. Khvorostd, M. M. Shubenko. Spent lithium ion batteries as a source of incoming of lithium and heavy metals in humans and animals bodies // Multidisciplinary Conference for Young Researchers, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, 22 November, 2019. Bila Tserkva : National Agrarian University, 2019. P. 28-30.
Abstract Lithium is a chemical element that, due to its unique properties has proven to be most suitable for rechargeable batteries. The industry of lithium-ion batteries is developing rapidly. New types of lithium-ion batteries are being developed. "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 rewards the development of the lithiumion battery. This lightweight, rechargeable and powerful battery is now used in everything from mobile phones to laptops and electric vehicles. It can also store significant amounts of energy from solar and wind power, making possible a fossil fuel-free society." - published on the official website of the Nobel Committee ( Ukraine is actively importing mobile devices with lithium-ion batteries. There is no industry for collecting, processing and recycling lithium-ion batteries in Ukraine. Lithium-ion batteries are thrown to the trash. The batteries are destroyed and lithium can enter into the human and animals body through drinking water and food. Lithium is a vital element, but its excess supply can cause disease and death. This work is devoted to the study of lithium-ion batteries as one of the ways in which excess lithium is supplied into human. The applied purpose of work was to study the content of macro and microelements of organs and tissues of adult rats under the influence of lithium salt solution. Lithium salts were added to the drinking water of rats. After withdrawal from the experiment, the content of macro and microelements in the tissues and organs of rats was determined by atomic absorption and atomic emission spectrometry. Studies have shown that lithium quickly penetrates tissues and organs. It change the content and ratio of the body's major electrolytes: potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, which can lead to disruption of biochemical processes and diseases.
Appears in Collections: Наукові видання (НН МІ)


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