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Title Life values and ideals of Ukrainians and Europeans: comparative analysis
Authors Nabok, Maryna Mykolaivna  
Kansas, Serghini-Idrissi
Keywords українські цінності
європейські цінності
життєві цінності
Ukrainian values
European values
life values
Type Conference Papers
Date of Issue 2024
Publisher Sumy State University
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Nabok M. M., Kansas Serghini-Idrissi Life values and ideals of Ukrainians and Europeans: comparative analysis // Соціально-гуманітарні аспекти розвитку сучасного суспільства : матеріали XI Всеукраїнської наукової конференції студентів, аспірантів, викладачів та співробітників, Суми, 25–26 квітня 2024 р. / уклад. М. М. Набок. Суми : Сумський державний університет, 2024. С. 131-136.
Abstract European values and Ukrainian values share many commonalities, but there are also distinct nuances that reflect each society's unique history, culture, and spirations. Here's a brief overview. European Values: Democracy and Rule of Law: European societies value democratic governance, rule of law, and respect for human rights as foundational principles. Human Rights: Respect for individual freedoms, equality, and dignity is paramount. This includes freedom of speech, religion, and assembly. Multiculturalism: Europe celebrates diversity and multiculturalism, embracing various ethnicities, languages, and cultures within its borders. Solidarity: Many European nations value social solidarity, supporting welfare systems that provide for the needs of all citizens, including healthcare, education, and social services. Environmental Sustainability: Concern for the environment and sustainability is increasingly important in European values, with efforts to address climate change and promote green technologies. In Europe, there are many organizations that protect human values. In particular, «The European Values think tank is a non» – governmental policy institute defending liberal democracy. They help to face aggressive regimes, radicalisation within the society, the spread of authoritarian tendencies and extremist ideologies including Islamism [3]. Ukrainian Values: National Identity: Ukrainian values often revolve around a strong sense of national identity, rooted in a long history of struggle for independence and cultural heritage. Freedom and Independence: Ukrainians highly value freedom and independence, especially given their history of Soviet rule and more recent conflicts with Russia. Family and Community: Family bonds and community ties are significant in Ukrainian culture, with importance placed on familial support networks and communal traditions. Patriotism: Love for one's country and patriotism are prominent Ukrainian values, particularly in the context of recent geopolitical tensions and efforts to assert national sovereignty. Resilience and Determination: Ukrainians have demonstrated resilience and determination in the face of challenges, including political upheaval, economic hardships, and ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
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