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Title The terminological dimension of the English professional discourse of computer technologies
Authors Klochko, S.Yu.
Keywords комп'ютерний дискурс
англомовний професійний дискурс
комп’ютерні технології
computer discourse
English professional discourse
computer technologies
Type Conference Papers
Date of Issue 2024
Publisher Sumy State University
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Klochko S. Yu. The terminological dimension of the English professional discourse of computer technologies // Strategic innovations of social communications and foreign philology in crisis times : collection of scientific paper of the I International scientific and practical conference, Sumy, 1 June 2024 / responsible editor M. M. Nabok, responsible designer M. Sadivnycha. Sumy : Sumy State University, 2024. P. 63-67.
Abstract In the era of globalisation, modern society needs to constantly expand of international contacts in various sectors of the economy, law, science, medicine and even at the household level which leads to an increasing need to use computer technology and the World Wide Web. The newest language of computer discourse is a linguistic phenomenon that is explained by the urgent need for multi-level use of technological devices within different industries with their close interaction (Skoropad, 2024). The term ‘discourse’ has different meanings which leads to its ambiguity and the lack of a clearly defined single concept (Sytnyk, 2024). It is worth noting that this concept is associated with all types of communication in society with its own rules of communication, means of reproduction and implementation of the pragmatic goal of the participants in the discourse. Today it is possible to distinguish the following types of professional discourse: political, medical, artistic, religious, judicial, educational, scientific, media discourse, etc. In particular, it is worth paying attention to the newest type of discourse, namely, computer discourse, because the current stage of society's development is no longer imaginable without the use of computer or digital technologies that function as a means of information and technical globalization. Computer-mediated communication refers to linguistic communication between participants in a given discourse who exchange information in the online space using computers connected to the global Internet. The most common means of online communication is through text messages. Computer-based communication in social networks has become widespread bringing people together on the basis of their common interests and contributing to the emergence of interpersonal relationships. Accordingly, this group of people, united by common professional characteristics, has created a language that has gone beyond online communication (Makhachashvili, 2005).
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