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Title Studying English in online environment: technologies, platforms and effective methods
Authors Symonenko, Nataliia Oleksandrivna  
Syzonova, A.I.
Keywords вивчення англійської мови
ефективні методи навчання
learning English
online learning
effective teaching methods
Type Conference Papers
Date of Issue 2024
Publisher Sumy State University
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Symonenko N. O., Syzonova A. I. Studying English in online environment: technologies, platforms and effective methods // Strategic innovations of social communications and foreign philology in crisis times : collection of scientific paper of the I International scientific and practical conference, Sumy, 1 June 2024 / responsible editor M. M. Nabok, responsible designer M. Sadivnycha. Sumy : Sumy State University, 2024. P. 186-190.
Abstract Problem statement: With the spread of the Internet and the growing popularity of online learning, studying English in online environment is becoming increasingly relevant. Thanks to the latest technologies and platforms, students have access to a variety of resources and can learn at a convenient time for them (Kolisnychenko, 2023). Understanding effective methods of learning English in an online environment is important for students, teachers and educational institutions. Objective: to explore modern technologies and platforms for learning English in online environment, identify their advantages and disadvantages and establish effective methods of learning that can be used to achieve better results. Main results: The analysis of technologies and platforms for learning English in online environment includes a review of various resources available in the form of websites, mobile applications, video lessons, and other interactive learning tools.
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