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Title Package labeling and sustainable development
Authors Lukianova, Yu.
Keywords sustainable development
рackage labeling
Type Conference Papers
Date of Issue 2024
Publisher Sumy State University
License In Copyright
Citation Lukianova Yu. Package labeling and sustainable development // Economics for Ecology : Materials International scientific-practical conference, Sumy, 14–17 May, 2024 / edit.: O. Karintseva, O. Kubatko. Sumy : Sumy State University, 2024. Р. 45-48.
Abstract Labeling is a text, conventional designations (pictures) that are applied to the packaging and goods, as well as other auxiliary means that are intended for identifying the goods (its individual properties), proving information (about the manufacturer (executor), quantitative/ product quality characteristics, etc.) to the consumer. Sustainable labeling is the procedure of using informative labels on products that provide data on the environmental, social, and economic impact of products throughout their life cycle. This labeling allows consumers to make more informed choices based on sustainable development criteria. It may include information on resource use, greenhouse gas emissions, material disposal, and corporate social responsibility. Sustainable labeling can encourage producers to adopt more environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices. Sustainability labeling is important because it helps consumers make more responsible choices.
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