Browsing by Keywords challenges

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Assessment of society's readiness for modern challenges of the insurance market Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Didenko, Iryna Viktorivna; Sidelnyk, Nataliia Yuriivna; Yefimenko, Alina Yuriivna; Bozhenko, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna Article 496560347 511020998
2016 Efficiency of management of sustainable development – challenges, problems, barriers Zięba, K.; Olma, S. Article 1631161520 911057072
2008 European monetary integration – challenges for the Romanian banking system Stoica, O.; Căpraru, B. Article 864879795 557008036
2021 The Impact of Government Policies on the Growth and Development of SMEs interprises in Bauchi State Nigeria Yahaya, Ya.; Dutse, U.A.; Bello, S. Article -2003332318 -1795379967
2023 International competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises in a period of challenges and threats Hlushchenko, D.T. Masters thesis 39 33
2013 Overt and covert challenges of e-mail communication Kozlovska, Hanna Borysivna Article 850571735 468292724
2018 Performance Appraisal Fundamentals, Practices and Challenges in Public Sector: Case of Adigrat Town, Ethiopia Balaraman, P.; Gebre, T.; Berhe, G.; Priya, K. Article -733827337 -679965643
2021 Perspectives on global competitiveness in terms of modern challenges and threats: the case of leading world’s economies for Ukraine Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Domashenko, Maryna Dmytrivna; Vavilichev, M.D. Article 1837979315 -242685262
2012 Prudential challenges in financial infrastructure development in Hungary Kovacs, L. Conference Papers 40241800 41626011
2024 Stakeholders’ role in improving smallholder farmers’ resilience to climate change effects in central Tanzania Myeya, Helena E. Conference Papers 1 0
2024 Механізми протидії сучасним викликам і загрозам: досвід ЄС для України Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Domashenko, Maryna Dmytrivna Book 1 1
2023 Стратегії управління транснаціональними корпораціями в період сучасних викликів та загроз Drozhenets, R.V. Masters thesis 21 24
2008 Європейська валютна інтеграція – випробування для банківської системи Румунії Стоіка, О.; Капрару, Б. Article 328272284 657363789