Browsing by Keywords аналіз

Showing results 1 to 20 of 304
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 Activity of global companies on the high-tech products market Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Korsakiene, R.; Sedelev, S. Conference Papers 46033 59259
2014 Analysis of asset management system in a private enterprise Baistriuchenko, Nataliia Olehivna; Okunlola, A.O. Article -565414738 -242274021
2019 Basic Study of Mono-like Silicon Material Properties under Chemical Treatments: Comparison with Single and mc-Silicon Benseba, G.; Moussi, A.; Meziani, S.; Hocine, D.; Belkaid, M.S. Article 17439376 3872794
2023 Bibliometric analysis of green tourism in the implementation of sustainable development goals Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Korsakiene, R.; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna Conference Papers 114 54
2023 Business models digital transformation: the path to sustainable development Zavrazhnyi, Kostiantyn Yuriiovych; Kulyk, Anzhelika Kostiantynivna Conference Papers 1325 846
2023 Consumer’s Online Brand-Related Activities in Instagram and their Impact on Word-of-Mouth Nastisin, L.; Kmec, K.; Kral, S. Article 67963 76426
2022 Cross-country analysis of competiveness towards innovation potential assessment for industrials Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Shvindina, Hanna Oleksandrivna; Kotenko, S.; Qiu, Hongzhou; Awujola, A. Article 658794298 -45668790
2020 Determinants of enterprises profitability of chemical industry in modern conditions of economic security ensuring Syhyda, Liubov Oleksiivna; Saher, Liudmyla Yuriivna; Вода, Г. М. Article 906004635 580568107
2022 Financial Market Trends as a Part of Regional Development: Manifestations of Behavioral Reactions and Impulses Rosokhata, Anna Serhiivna; Jasnikowski, A.; Kropyva, V.; Deryzemlia, M. Article 1539343544 -2039312904
2022 Gender Differences in the Perception of Motivations for Consumer’s Online Brand-Related Activities and Their Impacts on Instagram Nastisin, L.; Jura, A.; Fedorko, R.; Kopor, I. Article 719798 2572671
2022 Information & Analytical Support of Innovation Processes Management Digitalisation at the Regional Level Omelianenko, O.; Petrova, I.; Chashechnikova, O.; Yurchenko, O.; Lytvynenko, Svitlana Mykolaivna; Berezova, S. Article 39646 39638
2020 Innovations in Management of Banks Deposit Portfolio: Structure of Customer Deposit Andros, S.; Akimova, L.; Butkevich, O. Article 495150947 -1791241193
2023 Innovative Management of Biomass Cost Value Based on Accounting and Analysis of Production Costs of Agricultural Activities Zadorozhnyi, Z.-M.; Muravskyi, V.; Bila, Yu.; Ivasechko, U. Article 1409 632
2023 International technology transfer as a component of the commercialization of innovations in the conditions of Industry 4.0 Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Korsakiene, R.; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Shakhova, Serafima Viktorivna; Sedelev, S. Book chapter 43016 34702
2014 Investigation of financial stability of Ukraine Башлай, С.В. Article 836111526 873914447
2017 Lehrstück: виникнення та еволюція жанру (на матеріалі драматургії Бертольта Брехта і Хайнера Мюллера) Федоренко, Л.О. Article 712812634 363469958
2023 Management aspects of digital transformation of processes in educational institutions Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Korsakiene, R.; Qiu, H. Conference Papers 34 11
2022 Management of Innovation in Azerbaijan: Relationships with Competitiveness and Sustainable Development Ibraghimov, E.A. Article -1670567477 731340909
2019 Marketing and Management of Credit Portfolio of a Commercial Bank: Data of Economic and Statistical Analysis of Basic Parameters of Credit Tykhenko, Volodymyr Serhiiovych; Andros, S.; Novak-Kalyayeva, L. Article 1581404772 -1008058790
2012 Model of analyzing of the competitive environment in estimation of the bank’s economic security Сергієнко, А.О.; Сагайдачна, О.С.; Гурьянова, Л.С. Article 720008833 735429893