Browsing by Keywords иностранный язык

Showing results 1 to 20 of 123
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Advantages of New Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages Turchyna, Tamara Vasylivna Conference Papers 77547406 47708044
2016 Communication strategies Kurochkina, Viktoriia Semenivna Conference Papers 1255979748 -484314294
2016 Foreign language is your chance to success Borschenko, A. Conference Papers -674043849 878237462
2021 Game Method As A Way Of Intensification Of Teaching Ukrainian Language As Foreign Dehtiarova, Tetiana Olehivna; Diadchenko, Hanna Viktorivna Conference Papers 1022526373 984759429
2021 In the World of Mass Media and Cross-Cultural Communication Malovana, Nina Volodymyrivna; Podolkova, Svitlana Vitaliivna; Nefedchenko, Oksana Illivna Schoolbook 836004897 1542219936
2017 Innovative methods of teaching a foreign language in non-language higher education institution Kurochkina, Viktoriia Semenivna Conference Papers 31672639 25753712
2022 Learner autonomy in a distance language learning/teaching context Kozlovska, Hanna Borysivna Conference Papers 87583 73295
2020 The relationship of individual psychological characteristics and motivational component with the level of ability to master foreign languages Furman, A.; Kozlovska, Hanna Borysivna; Kolesnichenko, N.; Kharchenko, N.; Alieko, O. Article 189849006 227801021
2012 Scientific and technological progress. Advantages and disadvantages 1672494018 884285451
2016 Some benefits of learning a foreign language Morozova, Iryna Anatoliivna Conference Papers -1533449350 -54812585
2019 Team teaching Kurochkina, Viktoriia Semenivna; Hladchenko, Oksana Robertivna Conference Papers 166399437 134729006
2017 "The gift" for ages: irregular verbs Kobiakova, Iryna Karpivna; Korotun, A.G. Conference Papers 2671237 3002416
2018 The importance of a foreign language in the labor market Kotiuk, R. Conference Papers 32222160 11922109
2016 The Promotion of Linguistic Idiosyncrasy and Eccentricity in the Historical Development of the BBC Голинська, Н.Г. Conference Papers -506323921 -156359510
2015 To the problem engineering students' intercultural EFL communication Mantina, A.Y. Conference Papers 561113405 428348352
2013 Why foreign language fluency can make you smarter Morozova, Iryna Anatoliivna Conference Papers 2080876951 401310829
2012 Важливість вивчення іноземних мов у сучасному світі Боклаг, Н.П. Conference Papers 1734806079 -1217085247
2009 Визначення рівня мотивації у студентів при вивчені іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням Стеценко, В.В. Conference Papers 912857421 591155766
2018 Викладання іноземних мов в альтернативних школах Мельник, Х.О. Bachelous Paper 5 0
2019 Викладання іноземної мови у середніх спеціалізованих навчальних закладах Український, Д.С. Bachelous Paper 4 0