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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Analysis of Factors Influencing Adoption of Human Resource Practices by Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria Rabiu, R.O.; Olanipekun, W.D.; Bamidele, A.G.; Awe, O.I. Article -877792800 -784746386
2021 Analysis of Territories Marketing Activities Among Small and Medium Business: A Bibliometric Analysis Khomenko, Liliia Mykolaivna; Rosokhata, Anna Serhiivna; Jasnikowski, A. Article 595579254 -824350260
2021 Companies Performance Management: the Role of Operational Flexibility Yousuf, A.; Lorestani Zeynvand, V.; Felföldi, J.; Zatonatska, T.; Kozlovskyi, S.; Dluhopolskyi, O. Article 862174382 -776677292
2020 Data Usage in Talent Management – Challenges for SMEs in the Field of Skilled Crafts Thomas, G. Article -757865839 406171205
2024 Digital Marketing in the Survival and Growth Strategies of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses During the War in Ukraine Oklander, M.; Yashkina, O.; Zlatova, I.; Cicekli, I.; Letunovska, Nataliia Yevhenivna Article 41738902 54486414
2019 Factors Determining the Success of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tigray region: the Case of selected town Hintalo Wejerat Wereda Meresa, M.; Kidanemariam, Haftu Article 1380298439 -1053769358
2018 Funding risk perception by Slovak SMEs: impact of age and size of the company Kljucnikov, A.; Sobekova Majkova, M. Article 1459735941 -1150906563
2020 Impact of Accounting Software among SMEs Accountants in Oman Muneerali, M.T. Article 1738705971 2045080462
2022 The importance of smes in terms of sustainable development goals Kubatko, Oleksandr Vasylovych; Yaremenko, A. Conference Papers 71947076 52942102
2017 Improvement of the mechanism of innovative development of small and medium-sized enterprises Kobushko, Ihor Mykolaiovych; Jula, Octavian; Kolesnyk, M. Article 896632344 -1355863332
2022 The Innovative Approach to the Evaluation of the Social Responsible Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Ubreziova, I.; Sokil, O.; Lancaric, D. Article 44402565 161351671
2020 Leadership Models and Leadership Styles as Success Factors in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Thomas, G. Article 1625884138 -472988323
2021 Marketing business processes management for SME Khaba, A.P.; Khomenko, Liliia Mykolaivna Conference Papers 4296 3338
2021 Methodical Tools Research of Place Marketing Via Small and Medium Business Development Rosokhata, Anna Serhiivna; Khomenko, Liliia Mykolaivna; Jasnikowski, A.; Dmytruk, K. Article 1539251368 -80855215
2021 Promotion tools in small and medium enterprises: bibliometric analysis Makerska, V. O.; Khomenko, Liliia Mykolaivna; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Article 959842536 -248303612
2023 The relationship of social value orientation and social entrepreneurial orientation on organizational performance: a study on small and medium enterprises in Egypt Dewan, A.; Tantawi, P.; Amara, D.F. Article 15672 11597
2020 Segmentation for Consumers of Small and Medium Blood Service Enterprises Khomenko, Liliia Mykolaivna Conference Papers 1968731619 162505577
2019 Small and Medium Enterprises and Eco-Innovations: Empirical Study of Slovak SME´s Lesakova, L. Article 188834487 248916815
2020 Small and Medium Entrepreneurship: Ukrainian and World Experience Tymoshyk, D.D.; Hrytsenko, Larysa Leonidivna; Kovalov, Yaroslav Serhiiovych Article 50470988 43669702
2017 SMEs' innovation approach in the Czech Republic Breckova, P. Article 4029550 4231698