Browsing by Keywords регулювання

Showing results 1 to 20 of 127
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2013 Activity of the Deposit Guarantee Fund in ensuring the effectiveness of the banking system regulatory function Mordan, Yevheniia Yuriivna Article -1004184241 -1926646581
2018 An Analysis of the Relationship between Regulatory Control and Corruption based on Product and Market Regulation and Corruption Perceptions Indices Mujtaba, B.G.; McClelland, B.; Williamson, P.; Khanfar, N.; Cavico, F.J. Article 1700762735 1291406090
2013 An investigation of the quality of financial market regulation of Ukraine Isaieva, Olena Volodymyrivna Article 211193348 197723221
2023 Analysis of AI Policy in Ukraine (2020-2023) Tarasenko, Svitlana Viktorivna; Slabko, T.; Duranowski, W. Conference Papers 122209 98694
2011 Corporate governance regulation in banks in the context of crisis: the role of the National bank of Ukraine Mozghovyi, Yaroslav Ivanovych; Kondrunina, Kateryna Yuriivna; Ratnykova, Iu.; Skidan, D. D. Article -1825660916 1838351079
2023 Data-Mining для протидії кібершахрайствам та легалізації кримінальних доходів в умовах цифровізації фінансового сектору економіки України Kuzmenko, Olha Vitaliivna; Mynenko, Serhii Volodymyrovych; Bozhenko, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna; Boiko, Anton Oleksandrovych; Kushnerov, Oleksandr Serhiiovych; Bozhenko, Andrii Serhiiovych; Dotsenko, Tetiana Vitaliivna; Semenoh, Andrii Yuriiovych; Pakhnenko, Olena Mykhailivna; Dolia, Yuliia Valentynivna; Yefimenko, Alina Yuriivna; Pihul, Yevhenii Ihorovych; Штефан, А.; Кільдей, А.; Петренко, К.; Габенко, М.; Herasymenko, Valeriia Vitaliivna Technical Report 606 364
2021 The Determinants Of Primary Employment In U.S. States Kaya, H.D. Article 279695071 1363907498
2019 Economic consequences of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies in the context of global financial market development Bazylev, Y.S. Masters thesis 3 0
2013 Economic Dualism, Systems Approach and Regulation of Market Economies Yevdokimov, Y.V. Article 932397300 -1657857953
2014 Estimation of Banking System Regulation Efficiency Diakonova, Iryna Ivanivna; Mordan, Yevheniia Yuriivna Article 907025110 -1016321119
2019 Evaluating the changes in the European Banking Regulation - MiFID and its possible effects on the Global Economy: A Theoretical Study Islam, S.T.; Khan, M.Y.H. Article 58858978 962399318
2022 The global crisis, manufacturing firms, regulations and taxes Kaya, H.D. Article 604858 1476565
2014 Governance and Regulation Issues: Corporate Governance and Bank Regulation Kostiuk, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych; Lapina, Yuliia Hryhorivna; Kostyuk, O. Book -142494169 -508954365
2023 An Innovative Approach to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Combating Money Laundering Juhaszova, Z.; Boiko, Anton Oleksandrovych; Bozhenko, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna; Mynenko, Serhii Volodymyrovych; Buriak, Anna Volodymyrivna; Vynnychenko, Nataliia Volodymyrivna Article 6203 9356
2007 Inverted yield curves and financial institutions: is the United ststes headed for a repeat of the 1980`s Crisis Barth, J.R.; Phumiwasana, T.; Li, T.; Yago, G. Article -873139310 1651274229
2006 Investment incentives, risk and ownership forms of commercial banks in emerging markets Logan, T.-M. Article 7595020 13171209
2020 Optimization of a Tunable Photonic Crystal Filter for Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing Brik, F.; Labbani, A. Article 1836645264 -1529121350
2023 Prospects and threats of the cryptoassets integration into the world financial market system Mykhailov, D.S. ​ Masters thesis 920 831
2022 Socioeconomic Challenges of Adolescent Obesity Navarrete-Dualde, J. Article 485171 688187
2020 Strategies, models and technologies of economic systems management in the context of international economic integration Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna; Smolennikov, Denys Olehovych; Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna Book chapter 110945 272601