Browsing by Keywords Band gap

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 A Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Buffer Layer Band Gap on the Performances of nc-Si : H Based Solar Cells Touati, H.; Amiri, B.; Sebbak, A.C.; Benameur, A.; Aït-Kaci, H. Article -1495064846 1096305576
2011 Ellipsometric Studies on Silver Telluride Thin Films Pandiaraman, M.; Soundararajan, N.; Kumar, C.; Ganesan, R. Article -920078896 309037614
2014 Examination of Absorption Spectra of Amorphous Silicon in the Infrared Range Mazinov, А.S.; Shevchenko, A.I. Article 723138555 494972114
2017 Impact of SWCNT Band Gaps on the Performance of a Ballistic Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors (CNTFETs) Devi, Dass; Rakesh, Vaid Article 1016529885 340247279
2014 Investigation of a Nanophotonic Sensor with Electrode Modified by Semiconductor Quantum Dots Sushko, O.A.; Rozhitskii, M.M. Article 24723630 25965471
2014 Investigation of a Nanophotonic Sensor with Electrode Modified by Semiconductor Quantum Dots Sushko, O.A.; Rozhitskii, M.M. Article 64426835 75921283
2018 Optical Analytical Studies of Electrostatic-Sprayed Eu-doped Cadmium Selenide Nanofilms at Different Temperatures Jeroh, M.D.; Ekpunobi, A.J.; Okoli, D.N. Article 566867566 1220582947
2015 Properties Study of ZnS Thin Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis Method Djelloul, A.; Adnane, M.; Larbah, Y.; Sahraoui, T.; Zegadi, C.; Maha, A.; Rahal, B. Article -506441521 -595550598
2017 Sonochemical Synthesis of AgInS[2] Quantum Dots and Characterisation Panda, B.B.; Rana, R.K.; Sharma, B. Article -1905158767 1960003405
2016 Structural and Optical Properties of Mg Doped ZnO Thin Films Deposited by DC Magnetron Sputtering Asvarov, A.Sh.; Makhmudov, S.Sh.; Abduev, A.Kh.; Akhmedov, A.K.; Aliev, M.A.; Bilalov, B.A. Article 531464124 -961956168
2016 Енергетична структура β´-фази кристалу Ag8SnSe6 Семків, І.В.; Лукіянець, Б.А.; Ільчук, Г.А.; Петрусь, Р.Ю.; Кашуба, А.І.; Чекайло, М.В. Article 32103524 18906521
2014 Получение пленок ZnSe методом гидрохимического осаждения Софронов, Д.С.; Софронова, Е.М.; Костенюкова, Е.И.; Стариков, В.В.; Лебединский, А.М.; Матейченко, П.В.; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych Article 834841545 773171667
2014 Получение пленок ZnSe методом гидрохимического осаждения Софронов, Д.С.; Софронова, Е.М.; Костенюкова, Е.И.; Стариков, В.В.; Лебединский, А.М.; Матейченко, П.В.; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych Article 512601381 1036901291