Browsing by Keywords electrical resistivity

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Concentration and Size Effects in Electrophysical Properties of Thin Films Based on Permalloy and Silver Pazukha, Iryna Mykhailivna; Shuliarenko, Denys Olehovych; Pylypenko, Oleksandr Valeriiovych; Ovrutskyi, Maksym Serhiiovych; Odnodvorets, Larysa Valentynivna Article 17283074 11764573
2020 Electrical Transport in Polyvalent Liquid Bismuth and Antimony Metals Gohil, D.R.; Vyas, P.N.; Bhatt, N.K.; Vyas, P.R. Article 20730233 19254323
2019 Electrical Transport Properties of Liquid Li1 – xNax Alloys Malan, R.C.; Vora, A.M. Article 60717631 34747629
2022 Influence of Sulfur Incorporation on the Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Chemically Deposited ZnSe Thin Films Mir, T.A.H.; Patil, D.S.; Sonawane, B.K. Article 104873676 123421908
2021 Investigation of Electrical and Thermoelectric Properties of ZnO/rGO Composites Prepared by Conventional Solid-state Reaction Method Mangavati, Suraj; Rao, Ashok; Devadiga, Dheeraj; Selvakumar, M.; Saxena, Monika; Okram, G.S. Article -197011579 1865144108
2019 Structure, Electrical and Corrosion Properties of Quasicrystalline Al–Cu–Fe–Sc Thin Films Ryabtsev, S.I.; Polonskyy, V.A.; Sukhova, O.V.; Berun, M.V. Article 1068647 992613
2019 Synthesis and Characterization of Cu Doped ZnS Thin Films Deposited by Spin Coating Choudapur, V.H.; Kapatkar, S.B.; Raju, A.B. Article -2136703970 -1695867047
2017 Theoretical methods of investigation of thin film materials properties Pazukha, Iryna Mykhailivna; Protsenko, Ivan Yukhymovych Schoolbook 997334489 -694906639
2018 Вплив термомагнітної обробки на структуру та електрофізичні властивості полімерних композиційних матеріалів Мороз, І.О.; Стадник, О.Д.; Яременко, О.В. Article 1305997 1482980