Browsing by Keywords spray pyrolysis

Showing results 1 to 20 of 35
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Band Gap Engineering in Spray Pyrolysis Grown Nanocrystalline NiO Thin Films by Fe Doping Gavale, H.S.; Wagh, M.S.; Gosavi, S.R. Article 362926404 420962899
2024 Calculations of Refractive Index Using Optical Band Gap: TiO2 Spray Pyrolysis Thin Films Zargar, R.A.; Khan, M.I.; Mearaj, T.; Bashir, F.; Arfat, Y.; Singh, J.; Kumar, K. Article 16154 10099
2019 CdZnO Coated Thin Films: Application for Energy Conversion Devices Zargar, R.A.; Shah, A.H.; Reshi, H.A.; Arora, M.; Mir, F.A. Article -7739319 -355020230
2021 A Comparative Study on the Optoelectronic Performance of Undoped, Mg-doped and F/Mg Co-doped ZnO Nanocrystalline Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications Warda, Darenfad; Noubeil, Guermat; Kamel, Mirouh Article -274173503 719343546
2014 Cтруктурні властивості та елементний склад плівок ZnO нанесених методом спрей-піролізу Dobrozhan, Oleksandr Anatoliiovych; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych; Kurbatov, Denys Ihorovych Conference Papers -774811995 -33890893
2018 Cтруктурні, оптичні і термоелектричні властивості плівок та наночастинок ZnO, CZTS, CZTSe для фото- і термоперетворювачів Dobrozhan, Oleksandr Anatoliiovych PhD Thesis 1849776662 1925939331
2017 Cтруктурні, оптичні і термоелектричні властивості плівок та наночастинок ZnO, CZTS, CZTSe для фото- і термоперетворювачів Dobrozhan, Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Synopsis -1278743329 -1253975896
2023 Effect of Co-doping on Structural, Morphological, Optical and Electrical Properties of p-type CuO Films Darenfad, W.; Guermat, N.; Mirouh, K. Article 26 61
2017 Effect of Sprayed Solution Volume on Structural and Optical Properties of Nickel Oxide Thin Films Benhamida, S.; Benhaoua, B.; Barir, R.; Rahal, A.; Benhaoua, A. Article -541052791 -641974495
2015 Effect of substrate temperature on structural and substructural properties of MgO thin films Diachenko, Oleksii Viktorovych; Diachenko, Oleksii Viktorovych; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych; Kurbatov, Denys Ihorovych; Cheong, H.; Кузнецов, Володимир Михайлович; Кузнецов, Владимир Михайлович; Kuznetsov, Volodumur Muhailovuch Article 569975236 -1669677903
2019 Effects of Copper Doping and Annealing Temperature on the Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties of NiO Thin Films Haichour, A.; Hamdadou, N. Article 1191934600 1434897943
2024 Electrical and Photoresponse Properties of NiFe2O4/InSe Heterojunction Ivanov, V.I.; Tkachuk, I.G.; Orletskii, I.G.; Kovalyuk, Z.D.; Tovarnitskii, M.V.; Kushnir, B.V. Article 0 3
2023 Electrical Properties and Photosensitivity of n-Mn2O3/p-InSe Heterojunctions Produced by the Spray Pyrolysis Method Orletskii, I.G.; Tkachuk, I.G.; Ivanov, V.I.; Kovalyuk, Z.D.; Zaslonkin, A.V. Article 220 192
2024 Fe2O3/p-InSe Heterostructures Produced by Spray Pyrolysis Method Orletskii, I.G.; Tkachuk, I.G.; Kovalyuk, Z.D.; Ivanov, V.I.; Zaslonkin, A.V. Article 455 601
2021 Improvement of Electrical Properties of Grätzel Cells by Tuning the Dye Layer with CdS/ZnO Junction Melouki, M.; Mehnane, H.F.; Djelloul, A.; Larbah, Y.; Adnane, M. Article 215254157 614583008
2023 Morphological, Structural and Optical Properties of Ba-Doped NiO Nanostructure Thin Films Merad, M.Z.; Fellah, L.; Diha, A. Article 2216 853
2023 Optical Characterization of SnO2 Thin Film Using Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Solar Cell Applications Bounegab, A.; Boulesbaa, M. Article 79666 200913
2023 p-SnS/n-InSe Heterostructures Fabricated by the Spray-Pyrolysis Method Tkachuk, I.G.; Orletskii, I.G.; Kovalyuk, Z.D.; Ivanov, V.I.; Zaslonkin, A.V. Article 317 381
2019 Processing Temperature Effect on Optical and Morphological Parameters of Organic Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 Prepared Using Spray Pyrolysis Method Kemerchou, I.; Rogti, F.; Benhaoua, B.; Lakhdar, N.; Hima, A.; Benhaoua, O.; Khechekhouche, A. Article 540121189 2056185319
2019 Quality improvement of CZTS thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis method using pulsed Nd: YAG laser irradiation Shamardin, Artem Volodymyrovych; Kurbatov, Denys Ihorovych; Grace, O.; Kaupuzs, J.; Medvids, A.; Vecstaudza, J. Article 14287369 14225626