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Showing results 6581 to 6600 of 94735
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Influence of CNC milling strategies on complex surface machining Dodok, T.; Čuboňová, N.; Císar, M.; Ivanov, Vitalii Oleksandrovych; Wiecek, D. Article 4957821 10569671
2015 Influence of colors on people Karpets, V. Conference Papers -650761664 -1486898924
2015 Influence of Complex Formation on Mutual Diffusion in Benzene-Chloroform Kutsyk, A.M.; Obukhovsky, V.V. Conference Papers 8448301 7455515
2011 Influence of complex treatment on the properties of titanium alloys VT-6 Bratushka, Serhii Mykolaiovych Article 2847429 2912438
2011 Influence of complex treatment on the properties of titanium alloys VT-6 Bratushka, S.N. Conference Papers -875835660 -197256783
2021 The influence of computer technology on the development of interactive teaching methods for students Sadivnychyi, Volodymyr Oleksiiovych; Zhylenko, Iryna Rudolfivna; Bondarenko, Olena Yevhenivna; Nizhehorodtsev, V.; Prokopenko, Nataliia Mykolaivna; Кucherenko, I. Article -927233385 659974568
2020 Influence of Constant Magnetic Field on Mechanical Properties and Thermal Stability of the Amorphous Alloys Based on Co, Fe and Ni Tsaregradskaya, T.L.; Kuryliuk, A.M.; Ovsiienko, I.V.; Saenko, G.V.; Turkov, O.V. Article 4049894 5523678
2023 The Influence of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic AL-Hashimi, Y.N.; AL-Toobi, J.S.; Ahmed, E.R. Article -1606982798 -1224476994
2020 Influence of Correlated Coloured Noises on an Underdamped Josephson Junction Kniaz, Ihor Oleksandrovych Article 1441948 1973991
2018 Influence of Defective Formations on Photoconductivity of Layered Crystals with Cationic Substitution Kashuba, A.; Andriyevskyy, B.; Semkiv, I.; Andriyevska, L.; Petrus, R.; Zmiiovska, E.; Popovych, D. Article 88463912 49837325
2015 Influence of deposition conditions on morphological, structural, optical and electro-physical properties of ZnSe films obtained by close-spaced vacuum sublimation Ivashchenko, Maksym Mykolaiovych; Buryk, Ivan Petrovych; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych; Nam, D.; Cheong, H; Vaziev, Ja.G.; Bibyk, Vitalii Volodymyrovych Article 299467704 -114560877
2014 Influence of Deposition Parameters and Thermal Annealing on the Structure and Properties of Nitride Coatings (TiHfZrVNb)N Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Abadias, G.; Chartier, P.; Takeda, Y.; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Yakuschenko, I.V.; Береснев, В'ячеслав Мартинович; Береснев, Вячеслав Мартынович; Beresnev, V'yacheslav Martinovic; Krause-Rehberg, R.; Kolesnikov, D.A.; Partyka, J. Article 1400446787 -1816496925
2013 Influence of Deposition Parameters on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Nitride High- Entropy Alloys (Ti-Zr-Hf-V-Nb)N Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Beresnev, V.M.; Bondar, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Abadias, G.; Chaitier, P.; Takeda, Y.; Bilokur, M.O.; Yakuschenko, I.V.; Lisovenko, M.O. Conference Papers 700283198 -1394365490
2014 Influence of deposition parameters on the structure and properties of nitride coatings Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Azarenkov, N.A.; Beresnev, V.M; Litovchenko, S.V. Article -2020075428 836159905
2014 Influence of deposition time on structure and substructure of ZnO Berestok, Taisiia Oleksandrivna; Demydenko, Maksym Hennadiiovych; Kosiak, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych Conference Papers 1425237206 724694401
2012 Influence of Deuterium Ion Implantation on the Structure and Hardness of Nanocrystalline Films Kuprin, A.S.; Tolmachova, G.N.; Belous, V.A.; Lomino, N.S.; Ovcharenko, V.D.; Reshetnyak, E.N.; Morozov, O.M.; Zhurba, V.I. Conference Papers -874401511 889780060
2019 Influence of different infusion therapy modes on the development of postoperative pulmonary complications in patients with mediumand high surgical risk with acute abdominal pathology Kravets, O.V. Article 7355353 15747053
2023 Influence of Different Solvents on the Quality of Epitaxial Layers in Pb-Sn-Te-Se Systems Ryabetbs, S.I.; Volchanskyi, O.V. Article 60 155
2007 Influence of Diffusing Impurities on the Electrical Conductivity of Single-Crystal and Polycrystalline Metal Films Chornous, Anatolii Mykolaiovych; Dehtiaruk, Leonid Vasylovych; Hovorun, Tetiana Pavlivna; Stepanenko, Andrii Oleksandrovych Article 969658135 1403924095
2020 The influence of digitalization on transformation processes on the labor market Plikus, Iryna Yosypivna; Antoniuk, Nataliia Anatoliivna Conference Papers 205033941 427871503