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Showing results 1 to 10 of 18
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2024 Electron Transport Layer Material Optimization for Cs2AgBiBr6 Based Solar Cell Using SCAPS Das, S.; Kanakavalli, P.B.; Cheerla, S.; Narzary, S.; Gohain, P.P.; Chakraborty, K.; Paul, S. Article 500586 754180
2023 Computational Study of the Photovoltaic Performance of CdS/Si Solar Cells: Anti-reflective Layers Effect Boultif, O.; Zaidi, B.; Roguai, S.; Mehdaoui, A.; Diab, F.; Bouarroudj, T.; Kamli, K.; Hadef, Z.; Shekhar, C. Article 2883285 6166587
2022 Simulation Study of CZTS/CZTSe Tandem Solar Cell by Using SCAPS-1D Software Ghalmi, L.; Bensmaine, S.; Elbar, M.; Chala, S.; Merzouk, H. Article -474679149 1628869232
2022 Performance Study of Lead-Free Mixed Halide Cs2TiI6 – xBrx (where x = 1 to 5) Based Perovskite Solar Cell Chakraborty, Kunal; Kumari, S.V.; Arigela, Sri Harsha; Choudhury, Mahua Gupta; Das, Sudipta; Paul, Samrat Article 742068528 -1912849964
2023 Effect of Graded Double Perovskite for Boosting up the Photovoltaic Output Parameters of Solar Cell: A Numerical Modelling Using SCAPS-1D Yousfi, A.; Feneniche, W. Article 105 183
2021 Studies on Thickness and Internal Quantum Efficiency of Cs2AgBiBr6 Based Double Perovskite Material for Photovoltaic Application Das, S.; Chakraborty, K.; Choudhury, M.G.; Paul, S. Article -1049276398 -2039691316
2021 Analysis of I-V-T Characteristics of CH3NH3PbBr3 Perovskite Based Solar Cells Zaidi, B.; Ullah, M.S.; Zahra, S.; Gagui, S.; Shekhar, C. Article -277854136 -1213222073
2022 Numerical Analysis of Performance of Various ETL Materials for Cesium Titanium (IV) Single Halide Based PSCs Chakraborty, Kunal; Kumari, S.V.; Arigela, Sri Harsha; Choudhury, Mahua Gupta; Das, Sudipta; Paul, Samrat Article 696201190 -388244065
2021 Comparative Study of the Influence of µc-Si:H, a-Si:H, pm-Si:H and µc-SiOx as a Passivation Layer on the Performance of HIT n-c-Si Solar Cells Dahlal, Z.; Hamdache, F.; Rached, D.; Rahal, W.L. Article -484663659 -1024294231
2022 Numerical Study of the Temperature Dependence of CZTS-Based Thin Film Solar Cell Abd, Elhalim Benzetta; Mahfoud, Abderrezek; Mohammed, Elamine Djeghlal Article 179600799 -1102431917