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Showing results 10 to 19 of 19
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Effect of the Deposition Times on the Properties of ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis for Optoelectronic Applications Daranfed, W.; Guermat, N.; Bouchama, I.; Mirouh, K.; Dilmi, S.; Saeed, M.A. Article 941317869 -1331180091
2019 The Concentration Measurements of Tellurium Donor Impurity in Lamellar Bismuth Samples by the Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Method Matveev, D.Yu.; Starov, D.V. Article 2137070 2772329
2019 Ferromagnetism of Iron-copper Nanocomposites Revo, S.L.; Avramenko, T.G.; Volkova, T.V.; Galagan, P.O.; Ivanenko, K.O.; Naumenko, S.M. Article 95714098 96527332
2019 Structure and Phase Formation Features of Ti-Zr-Ni Quasicrystalline Films under Heating Malykhin, S.V.; Kondratenko, V.V.; Kopylets, I.А.; Surovitskiy, S.V.; Baturin, А.А.; Mikhailov, I.F.; Reshetnyak, M.V.; Borisova, S.S.; Bogdanov, Yu.S. Article 1196316293 1110143858
2019 Study of the Effect of Film Thickness on Structure and Optical Properties of Nanostructured ZnS Thin Films Deposited by Spray Technique Ayadi, M.; Sebais, M.; Benramache, S.; Benhaoua, A.; Benhaoua, B.; Halimi, O.; Boudine, B.; Bensouici, A. Article 137292300 61754552
2018 Дослідження мікромеханічних властивостей тонких плівок PbTe та PbSe Тур, Ю.В.; Вірт, І.С. Article 4254042 4421568
2019 Operating Temperature Effect on the Thin Film Solar Cell Efficiency Zaitsev, R.V.; Kirichenko, M.V.; Khrypunov, G.S.; Radoguz, S.A.; Khrypunov, M.G.; Prokopenko, D.S.; Zaitseva, L.V. Article 50677611 36357192
2011 The optimization of optical thin films deposition using in-situ reflectivity measurements and simulation Bhatt, G.G.; Kheraj, V.; Desai, M.S.; Panchal, C.J. Article 2001394131 2054684343
2018 Influence of Annealing on the Structure of Ultrathin Gold Films on the Surface of Glass and CdS Substrates Danylov, A.B.; Ilchuk, H.A.; Petrus, R.Yu.; Haiduchok, V.G. Article -630283469 -1878610125