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Showing results 1 to 10 of 44
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
3094644 3095741
2022 Organisational ethics management to combat corruption in the South African public sector Vyas-Doorgapersad, S. Article 7086978 6387869
2022 Weighing externalities of economic recovery projects: an alternative to green taxonomies that is fairer and more realistic Bardy, R.; Rubens, A. Article 476443 842329
2022 The impact of skills, personality and psychology on management and decision making: empirical study among managers and employees Tovmasyan, G. Article 40739576 61840582
2022 Business intelligence as a challenge for the managerial function: case study on managerial decision making in algerian companies Seguer, Z.S.; Hasna, A.M. Article 5910728 7455344
2022 Dual process ethical decision-making models: need for empirical examination Gupta, S.; Bhandari, S. Article 1074261920 1218697551
2022 Subsidiarity in management & business activity: the two sides of the phenomenon Swiatkiewicz, O. Article 31930741 18803868
2022 Entrepreneurial intention without a supportive and enabling leadership environment exacerbates global poverty: a perspective from young people and community organisations Nwafor, B.C.; Eguruze, E.S. Article 6027778 5849480
2022 Can a basic income grant improve the quality of life for the poor in South Africa: an analytical review Makole, K.R.; Ntshangase, B.A; Maringa, M.S.; Msosa, S.K. Article 21303533 10045192
2022 Strategies of post-war anomie’s overcoming in the fields of social interactions and business Hakobyan, N.; Dabaghyan, A.; Khachatryan, A. Article 171311 275861