Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL) [308]

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Showing results 101 to 120 of 308
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Evaluation of the Market Value of the Enterprise with Consideration of Exogenous Factors Boiarko, I.; Paskevicius, A. Article 1779293774 6248945
2021 The Evolution of a Robust and Reliable Brand Experience Scale in the Malaysian Context: An Empirical Evidence AL-Fakhri, I.; Alabdullah, T.T.Y. Article -776234486 -135708217
2020 Examination of Agricultural Income Inequality in the European Union Kiss, L.B. Article 874843623 -1589082257
2019 Examination of the Role of Business Ethics with Google Trends Kiss, L.B. Article 365067031 -1564591754
2020 Examining Counsellor Expertise: Evidence from the Sri Lankan Microfinance Sector Abeysekera, R. Article -1980849996 -430312354
2018 Examining the Efficacy of the Common Law Tort of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and Bullying in the Context of the Employment Relationship Cavico, F.; Mujtaba B., ; Lawrence E., ; Muffler S., Article -1835981715 490223848
2022 Excess COVID-19 Infections, Mortality, and Economic Development in India Mathur, M.; Ray, A. Article 6175 5657
2017 Executive bonuses clawback in the banking sector Afanasyeva, O. Article -743875925 -141324088
2023 Exploration of the Organisational Conditions that Influence the Utilization of Student Support Services in South African Nursing Colleges Skakane-Masango, T.P.; Mtshali, N.G.; Ngcobo, S. Article 9568 11721
2020 An Explorative Study of Virtues in Ethical Consumption from a Confucian Perspective in an Urban-Rural-Fringe in China Huo, Y.; Kristjánsson, K. Article 1964636819 -1760268624
2020 Exploring Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Business Training in the Microfinance Sector: Using the Industrial Marketing Purchasing (IMP) Approa Abeysekera, R. Article 1571447393 -729820112
2023 Exploring the Interplay Between Digital Technology, Transformational Leadership and Agility for Enhancing Organisational Performance Yamin, T.; Murwaningsari, E. Article 239 192
2021 Exploring Updates to Performance Evaluation Terminology Conzelmann, J.D. Article 26350968 9529214
2019 Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of the Ride-sharing Industry in Bangladesh Jahan, M. Article -295786680 1228369474
2019 Factors Affecting Productivity of Managers: An Empirical-based Comparative Study Rajan, D. Article 24991207 1993541007
2022 Fathanah Responsive Leadership: As a Supplement in the Satellite Model Anggraeni, F.S.; Widarno, B. Article 484482 380337
2022 Firm Performance and the Impact of Entrepreneurial Education and Entrepreneurial Competencies Kanaan-Jebna, J.M.A.; Alabdullah, T.T.Y.; Ahmed, E.R.; Ayyasamy, R.K. Article 132342073 -1923360773
2017 Fiscal transparency: cross-country comparisons Fomina, J.; Vynnychenko, Nataliia Volodymyrivna Article -470388255 -1242641297
2021 Food Waste Loss Trend Index (FWLTI), A New Tool to Enable Management Decisions Zachár, J. Article -319191928 -966023724
2023 Formation of Online Content Patterns of Higher Education Based on Trends to Preserve Intellectual Capital Quality Decreasing in Ukraine During Wartime Barvinok, Veronika Yuriivna; Pudło, T. Article 1362668587 -1155140931