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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Innovative development and factors affecting the innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Bulgaria Sotirova, A.O. Article 256225668 552383703
2011 Iнновацiї як один iз факторiв формування конкурентоспроможностi країни Kasianenko, Volodymyr Oleksiiovych Article -851356044 -1939237037
2017 Theoretical aspects of implementation of the innovation component evaluating model for small business enterprises Ivashchenko, A.I.; Polischuk, Ye.A.; Sybirianska, Yu.V. Article 9712601 17533349
2017 Assessment of innovative activity of Kazakhstan healthcare organizations Shevyakova, A.; Sharip, B. Article -960213825 1279988827
2015 Identification of the causes of risks under the conditions of innovative development of oil and gas companies Khvostina, I.M.; Pisak, K.V. Article 822635796 -944512771
2011 Шляхи покращення фінансування інноваційного ровзитку в Україні з використанням міжнародного розвитку Kobushko, Ihor Mykolaiovych; Гусейнова, Е.І. Article 97045059 -1791399943
2017 Research of innovation activity influence on return of stocks in industrial enterprises Obidjon, G.; Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna Article 1482987589 -337413695
2024 Commercialization of innovations in Ukrainian book publishing: current trends and prospects Khramova, K.; Shymoshenko, Anastasiia Oleksandrivna; Reshetniak, Yaroslav Viacheslavovych Article 10 7