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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Influence of innovation factor in economic dynamics in Europe Smoliy, L.; Revutska, A.; Novak, I. Article 108443650 769498533
2018 Innovation marketing to enhance competitiveness: case of Armenia and Ukraine Isahakyan, Sh.; Shkarupa, Olena Vasylivna Article -1446499979 1008177354
2018 The consumer protection as a driver of innovative development: case study for consumers of financial services Poliakh, S. Article 537098618 271731291
2018 Науково-прикладні аспекти стратегічного управління маркетинговою діяльністю промислових підприємств під час проведення реінжинірингу їх бізнес-процесів Кобизський, Д.С. Article 21858804 16162234
2018 Modern trends of impact on economic development of countries: e-commerce and R&D Zatonatska, T.; Rozhko, O.; Tkachenko, N. Article -1180377814 944406808
2018 Financial Crises and Nexus Between Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment Bhowmik, D. Article -484790740 -2028310778
2018 The Impact of Social Factors on Macroeconomic Stability: Empirical Evidence for Ukraine and European Union Countries Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Palienko, M. Article 39575151 52125622
2018 Human Development and Economic Growth in Pakistan Iqbal, K. Article -1418941266 -499806812
2018 Державна підтримка українського експорту: стан та напрямки розвитку Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Макаренко, Т.Ю. Article -895244320 1178068562
2018 Econometric analysis of long and short-run effects of exports on economic growth in Cameroon Harold, N.Ng. Yan. Article 910228736 759059596