Health Economics and Management Review [134]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 134
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 Adaptation of the best European practices in administering local health care institutions Oleksich, Zhanna Anatoliivna; Polcyn, J.; Shtorgin, O. Article -639562594 1650401751
2023 Analysis of accidental transmission impacts in the chain «waste management system – public health» Ziabina, Yevheniia Anatoliivna; Khomenko, Liliia Mykolaivna; Osei Owusu, E.K. Article -1658104112 1776595208
2023 Analysis of implementing the Ukrainian healthcare reform in 2023 Sheliemina, N. Article 5847 10351
2020 Analysis Of The Marketing Activities In The Blood Service: Bibliometric Analysis Khomenko, Liliia Mykolaivna; Saher, Liudmyla Yuriivna; Polcyn, J. Article 153720252 -741605022
2021 Analysis of Trends in the Development of Availability of Medical Services for Rural Population Ziabina, Yevheniia Anatoliivna; Goncharova, K.; Lieonov, H. Article 658607996 2047276873
2022 Awareness among Rural Women for Sanitary Napkins Ranga, M.; Kanika, Article -196948689 -521679546
2020 Basic financing principles of anti-covid measures: the case of the bank for international settlements. Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Diakonova, Iryna Ivanivna Article 1806754736 105178928
2020 Basic principles of financing of against COVID measures by the Bank of International Settlements Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Diakonova, Iryna Ivanivna; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Qiu, Hongzhou Article 769868285 549995428
2023 Beekeeping role in enhancing food security and environmental public health Richardson, K. Article 2805 3964
2022 Challenge of COVID-19 and Nigerian Economic Change: The Way Forward Kazeem, B.L.O.; Adewale, O.V.; I, K.; Kayode, O.J. Article 1026426734 -569858
2022 Checklist for Professional Communication: A Path to a Healthy Personality, Reflective Mindfulness, and Self-Development Management Mujtaba, B.G.; Meyer, C. Article 203388627 -1171749877
2021 Conflict Management in Health Care Institutions Koibichuk, Vitaliia Vasylivna; Dzwigol, H.; Stenko, S. Article -472127554 914325982
2020 Conflict management system in health care Tenytska, T.; Myroshnychenko, Yuliia Oleksandrivna; Lomia, Е. Article -1521995595 -849236668
2021 Consumer health knowledge: cultural norms and marketing of healthcare products Oteh, O.U.; Oloveze, A.O.; Obasi, R.O.; Opara, J.O. Article -603847000 -993257994
2021 Consumer Motivation and Multilevel Marketing on Health Products Oloveze, A. O.; Oteh, O. U.; Okonkwo, R. V. O.; Chukwuoyims, K.; Ollawa, C. C.; Ugwu, P. A.; Ogbonna, C. Article 1727085551 1346016991
2023 Countries’ Vulnerability to COVID-19 Depending on the Health Behaviour Patterns of the Population Letunovska, Nataliia Yevhenivna; Boliukh, V. Article -1200609565 -214963451
2020 Covid-19 and public health administration: trends and prospects Kolosok, Svitlana Ivanivna; Jakubowska, A. Article -1633594746 -1046780671
2021 Covid-19 impact on business sector activity in the EU countries: digital issues Tiutiunyk, Inna Volodymyrivna; Humenna, Yuliia Hryhorivna; Flaumer, A. Article -1853035061 -2090390781
2021 COVID-19 impact on the company’s development: a case of UNIT.City Mishenina, Halyna Anatoliivna; Kirichenko, D.; Puzemsky, V. Article -1725238120 -791340660
2022 The COVID-19 Pandemic and Access to Vaccination in Bangladesh: a Critical Review Haque, E. Article 1443652314 -526650079