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Title Study experiences of Hispanic Studies students at the faculty of philology and arts during the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors Radojevic, M.
Keywords студенти
викладання на кафедрі іспанознавства
teaching at the department of Spanish Studies
Type Conference Papers
Date of Issue 2024
Publisher Sumy State University
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Radojevic M. Study experiences of Hispanic Studies students at the faculty of philology and arts during the COVID-19 pandemic // Strategic innovations of social communications and foreign philology in crisis times : collection of scientific paper of the I International scientific and practical conference, Sumy, 1 June 2024 / responsible editor M. M. Nabok, responsible designer M. Sadivnycha. Sumy : Sumy State University, 2024. P. 146-150.
Abstract The pandemic of the Covid-19 virus in Serbia began in March 2020, when the state leadership adopted direct measures that temporarily closed preschools, schools and colleges. The newly created situation required quick reactions from professors and the reorganization of teaching, which moved from traditional, face-to-face, to online, distance learning. At the very beginning of the pandemic, the teaching staff of the Faculty of Philology and Arts of the University of Kragujevac received permission to adapt the classes to their needs and all professors were required to find the most adequate solution for teaching in these changed social circumstances. In this paper, we will focus on teaching during the pandemic at the Department of Hispanic Studies, with the aim of presenting the course of teaching, the methods and tools that were used, and the experience, judgment and attitudes of students, since the evaluation and improvement of each method of teaching should start exactly from how it performed for the main actors in that process. We will present the opinions of the students on the basis of a completed questionnaire, with which we examined the impressions of students of Hispanic studies who were in their first and second year of study during the pandemic.
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