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Title International competitiveness of national education (on the example of Germany and Ukraine)
Authors Yevdokymova, B.O.
Keywords міжнародна конкурентоспроможніст
international competitiveness
освітні системи
educational systems
народне господарство
national economy
міжнародний досвід
international experience
середня школа
secondary school
Type Bachelous Paper
Date of Issue 2024
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Yevdokymova B. O. International competitiveness of national education (on the example of Germany and Ukraine) : bachelor's degree work : specialty 292 - international economic relations / research advisor I. Ye. Yarova. Sumy : Sumy State University, 2024. 54 p.
Abstract Today, education is transforming into one of the most important components of socio-economic development, serving as a means by which humanity can address a range of global problems and ensure its survival. In the context of globalization and the internationalization of economic relations, education is tasked with one of the main functions in achieving human ideals: ensuring national competitiveness, scientific and technological progress, and sustainable development. By adopting the experience of successful Germany, Ukraine can enhance the quality of its education, ensure competitiveness in the global market, and contribute to the sustainable development of the country. The purpose of the qualification paper is determined is to analyze and compare the international competitiveness of the education systems in Germany and Ukraine, providing insights and recommendations to help Ukraine enhance its educational framework and align with international standards.
Appears in Collections: Кваліфікаційні роботи здобувачів вищої освіти (ННІ БіЕМ)



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