Browsing by Keywords porous silicon

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Angular Ellipsometry of Porous Silicon Surface Layers Poperenko, L.V.; Rozouvan, S.G.; Yurgelevych, I.V.; Lishchuk, P.O. Article -793653020 1446180530
2024 DFT Modeling of Chemical Reactions Occurring Under the Influence of Positive Ionic Complexes of Aqueous HF Solutions During Electrochemical Etching of Silicon Ptashchenko, F. Article 2032 647
2019 DFT-modeling of Ammonia Molecules Protonation on a p-type Silicon Surface Ptashchenko, F. Article 3580917 11057424
2021 Distribution of Excess Charge Carriers in Bilateral Macroporous Silicon with Different Thicknesses of Porous Layers Onyshchenko, V.F. Article 9945126 17283488
2023 The Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Thermal Properties of Porous Silicon by Photoacoustic Technique Lishchuk, P.; Melnyk, O.; Shevchenko, V.; Borovyi, M.; Kuryliuk, V. Article 68 192
2019 Effect of Long-Range Passivation of Impurity Atoms by Surface Dangling Bonds on the Conductivity of Porous Silicon Ptashchenko, F. Article 366755 683993
2019 Effect of Nucleic Acids on Oxidation and Photoluminescence of Porous Silicon Shevchenko, V.B.; Datsenko, O.I.; Kravchenko, V.M.; Makara, V.A.; Prorok, V.V. Article 268534867 36996598
2019 Electrical Properties of Porous Silicon Nanocrystals in a Dielectric Matrix Olenych, I.; Girnyk, I.; Orovcík, L. Article 2162426 2914123
2023 Energy Parameters of the Simplest Chemical Reactions Occurring at the First Stages of Silicon Electrochemical Etching – DFT-Modeling Ptashchenko, F. Article 175 92
2018 Fabrication of Room Temperature NO2 Gas Sensor based on Silver Nanoparticles-Decorated Carbon Nanotubes Waleed, Kh. Mahmood; Asama, N. Naje Article 1728537937 -73326149
2019 Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes on Porous Silicon for Sensing Application Abbas, Sally K.; Naje, Asama N. Article -960459098 430257795
2018 Long-range Interaction between pb-centers and NO[2] Molecules Adsorbed on the Silicon Surface Ptashchenko, F. Article 29679327 9103709
2020 Mechanisms of Changing the Conductivity of Porous Silicon in an Ammonia Atmosphere – DFT Modeling Ptashchenko, F. Article 2083004 2187747
2019 Optical and Electrical Properties of n-type Porous Silicon Produced by Electrochemical Etching and Study the Influence of y-irradiation Sulaiman, A.A.; Muhammed, A.A.K.; Ivashchenko, Maksym Mykolaiovych Article 2552650 2402183
2011 Surface states and photoluminescence from porous silicon Nazrul, Islam Md; Kumar, Satyendra Article 546639741 821961474
2011 Temperature dependence of resistivity of porous silicon formed on N-substrates Redko, S.V.; Chubenko, E.B.; Klyshko, A.A.; Kholostov, K.I.; Bondarenko, V.P.; Prischepa, S.I.; Trezza, Michela; Cirillo, Carla; Attanasio, Carmine Conference Papers 42057596 51329396
2016 Thermodynamics of Nucleation of Silicon Carbide Nanocrystals during Carbonization of Porous Silicon Nagornov, Yu.S. Article 485794651 311469140
2018 Дальнодіюча взаємодія між домішковими атомами бору і поверхневими обірваними зв’язками в поруватому кремнії: квантовохімічне моделювання Птащенко, Ф.О. Article 2654022 1908797
2018 Фотолюмінесценція гібридних структур поруватий кремній – марганцехлорид тетраметиламонію Оленич, І.Б.; Монастирський, Л.С.; Свелеба, С.А.; Лучечко, А.П.; Ярицька, Л.І. Article 43584998 32787865