Browsing by Keywords solar cell

Showing results 1 to 20 of 57
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Contribution of Nanomaterials to the Development of Solar Cell Technology: A Review Mhetre, Harshada Vishal; Kanse, Yuvraj K. Article -346544368 -2134677431
2024 Crystal Silicon Photoconductivity with Amorphous Inclusions Babychenko, O.; Sushko, O.; Babychenko, S.; Logunov, V.; Bendeberya, H. Article 5437 6088
2018 Cтруктурні, оптичні і термоелектричні властивості плівок та наночастинок ZnO, CZTS, CZTSe для фото- і термоперетворювачів Dobrozhan, Oleksandr Anatoliiovych PhD Thesis -714100644 1925939333
2017 Cтруктурні, оптичні і термоелектричні властивості плівок та наночастинок ZnO, CZTS, CZTSe для фото- і термоперетворювачів Dobrozhan, Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Synopsis -1278743328 -1253975896
2019 Effect of Electron Transporting Layer on Power Conversion Efficiency of Perovskite-Based Solar Cell: Comparative Study Hima, A.; Lakhdar, N.; Saadoune, A. Article -1195622909 -869968231
2018 Effect of Intrinsic Layer Thickness on PIN Structure for Tandem Solar Cell Based on Indium Gallium Nitride Using AMPS -1D Souilah, O.; Benzair, A.; Dennai, B.; Khachab, H. Article 25150682 22321348
2022 The Effect of Temperature and Base Thickness on Photoelectric Parameters of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells Gulomov, J.; Ziyoitdinov, J.; Gulomova, I. Article 20401609 51858772
2024 Electron Transport Layer Material Optimization for Cs2AgBiBr6 Based Solar Cell Using SCAPS Das, S.; Kanakavalli, P.B.; Cheerla, S.; Narzary, S.; Gohain, P.P.; Chakraborty, K.; Paul, S. Article 500586 754180
2020 Enhancement of Performance of a-Si:H Solar Cells by Introducing a p-nc-SiOx:H Nanostructure Buffer Layer Belfar, A.; Garcia-Loureiro, A.J. Article 15677777 13770172
2021 Features of Photoelectric Processes in CdS/CdTe Thin Film Heterosystems with Nanoscale Layers in Back Contacts Khrypunova, A.L.; Shelest, T.M.; Dobrozhan, A.I.; Meriuts, A.V. Article 90164731 339900965
2024 Improving the Performance of CZTS/CZTSSe Tandem Thin Film Solar Cell Hafaifa, L.; Maache, M.; Bouabdelli, M.W. Article 1385084 2388274
2021 Influence of the Angle of Incident Light on the Performance of Textured Silicon Solar Cells Gulomov, J.; Aliev, R. Article -1477632551 866917131
2023 Influence of Wafer Thickness and Screen-Printing Mesh Counts on the Al-BSF in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Labdelli, B.; Djelloul, A.; Benharrat, L.; Boucheham, A.; Mazari, H.; Chalal, R.; Manseri, A. Article 19 41
2018 Investigation of Absorber Layer Thickness Effect on CIGS Solar Cell in Different Cases of Buffer Layers Benslimane, Hassane; Dennai, Benmoussa Article 14086037 5680779
2013 Modeling of the main working parameters of solar cells based on ZnTe/CdSe and ZnSe/CdSe heterojunctions Ivashchenko, Maksym Mykolaiovych; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych Article -565697716 -381319002
2018 Numerical Simulation of SnS-Based Solar Cells Ivashchenko, M.M.; Buryk, I.P.; Kuzmin, D.V.; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych Article -2122746515 -59338203
2017 Numerical simulation of tin based perovskite solar cell: Effects of absorber parameters and hole transport materials Aditi, Toshniwal; Akshay, Jariwala; Vipul, Kheraj; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych; Panchal, C.J. Conference Papers 88482411 65107202
2011 On the possibility of enhanced efficiency in (Zn, Cd)S dye sensitized solar cell Ragam, M.; Sankar, N.; Ramachandran, K. Article 1535660849 -88029419
2023 Optical Properties of GexSi1 – x Binary Compounds in Silicon Zikrillaev, N.F.; Kushiev, G.A.; Hamrokulov, Sh.I.; Abduganiev, Y.A. Article 17800 31691
2019 Planar Defects Impact on Non-fundamental Efficiency Losses in mc-Si Solar Cells Prykhodko, A.V. Article 3124384 5800431