Browsing by Keywords потенціал

Showing results 1 to 20 of 132
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 Activity of global companies on the high-tech products market Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Korsakiene, R.; Sedelev, S. Conference Papers 46033 59259
2018 Biogas as an alternative energy resource for Ukrainian companies: EU experience Yevdokymov, Yu.; Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych Article 304616273 -1105963715
2022 Cоціально-економічний потенціал розвитку території Губка, І.В. Masters thesis 36862780 69020001
2018 Determination of Priority Financial Instruments of Regional Sustainable Development Tiutiunyk, Inna Volodymyrivna Article 256691196 -261838687
2016 Developing project portfolio management model for innovation projects using grounded theory: a case of Iran's power industry Khameneh, A.; Sobhiyah, M.H.; Hosseini, H.Kh. Article -897052565 -1182130248
2008 Evaluation of business strategies “ex-ante” Preuss, K. Article 4053906 4750504
2021 Export potential of Ukraine and ways of its realization Kupalna, A.O. Bachelous Paper -985853659 1790262388
2019 HR Management in the Digital Age: the Main Trends Assessment and Stakeholders Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Karintseva, Oleksandra Ivanivna; Kozlova, D.D.; Kovaleva, A.V. Article -1204505342 410693940
2015 Investment Potential of the Enterprise: Theory and Practice of Assessment Zhulavskyi, Arkadii Yuriiovych; Gordiienko, V.; Samofalova, O. Article -1094245186 -1349785855
2015 Method of estimation of an institution of higher learning potential Illiashenko, Nataliia Serhiivna; Melnyk, Yuliia Mykolaivna Conference Papers 694731905 601392235
2015 Methodical aspects of the assessment the resource potential for the enterprise development Jablinski, J.; Popova, O.Yu.; Belousova, K.O.; Kuznetsov, V.Yu Article -1484768782 -1240964966
2016 Research preconditions of Ukrainian chemical industry modernization based on the assessment competitiveness of its potential Shevtsova, A.Z.; Braslavska, O.V. Article -409099365 831613282
2018 Socio-economic and Political Channels for Promoting Innovation as a Basis for Increasing the Economic Security of the State: Comparison of Ukraine and the Countries of the European Union Shkarupa, Olena Vasylivna; Sysoieva, Larysa Yuriivna; Sineviciene, L. Article 422228108 678615349
2022 Study of the Influence of the Optimal Composition of the Bath on Nucleation and Growth of Ni-Fe Alloy Thin Films Lekmine, F.; Zidani, I.; Chala, A.; Gana, A. Article 55975 169137
2018 The Development of Green Technologies in the Agro-Industrial Complex: the EU Experience and the Prospects for Ukraine Melnyk, Leonid Hryhorovych; Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Dehtyarova, Iryna Borysivna; Dehtiarova, Iryna Borysivna; Chmut, A.S.; Hens, L. Article -723057804 -264607351
2016 The management of the competitiveness of the enterprise potential of private joint stock company "Sumy regional printing house" Hladchenko, Oksana Robertivna; Liutenko, D.A. Conference Papers -480093026 -744639507
2014 The use of regression analysis in the financial planning of banks, mathematical formalization of the stages of financial planning in banks Kuzmenko, Olha Vitaliivna; Киркач, С.М. Article -1786230009 -1520964364
2019 Алгоритм обчислення наноструктур методом молекулярної динаміки Попєску, Г.К. Bachelous Paper 6 2
2017 Аналіз сервісного потенціалу регіонів України під час розподілу промислової продукції Bilovodska, Olena Anatoliivna Conference Papers 318286850 170822394
2019 Аналіз конкурентоспроможності потенціалу підприємства Цимбаренко, С.С. Bachelous Paper 3 0