Browsing by Keywords финансовая система

Showing results 1 to 20 of 155
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 Content and Meaning of Financial Cyber Security: a Bibliometric Analysis Koibichuk, Vitaliia Vasylivna; Dotsenko, Tetiana Vitaliivna Article -1430780241 1816538187
2020 The Depth of the Financial System: A Comparison of Developed and Less Developed Countries Kaya, H.D. Article -1031538463 -2129540213
2021 Distrust and inherent instability of the financial system Літовцева, В. Conference Papers 185347941 45796217
2020 The Efficiency of the Financial System: A Comparison of Developed and Less Developed Countries Kaya, H.D. Article 147838863 115756647
2016 Features of formation and development of Ukrainian financial system : legal aspect Utkina, Maryna Serhiivna Article 2133043319 439150048
2014 Green economy as factor of positive transformation ukraine's development Shkarupa, Olena Vasylivna; Chasnyk, Olena Mykolaivna; Chasnyk, Y. Conference Papers 1917968538 757180466
2021 How do the Banking Systems of High Income Countries differ from others? Kaya, H.D. Article -717620875 -1168272951
2021 Illegal activities of financial intermediaries: A burden of trust crisis Brychko, Maryna Mykhailivna; Savchenko, Taras Hryhorovych; Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Piotrowski, P. Article 1610515950 1249019209
2023 The place and the role of financial monitoring in anti-money laundering system Utkina, Maryna Serhiivna; Rieznik, Oleh Mykolaiovych; Bondarenko, Olha Serhiivna Article 4753152 8345903
2016 Problems and prospects of the financial system of Ukraine Korzhova, V.E. Article -1252537941 -399219885
2021 Prospects for Strengthening the Sustainability of the Financial System of Ukraine Pokhil, V.; Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna Conference Papers 285026491 586991774
2021 Relationships’ formalization of the aml relevant factors’ dynamic stability: VAR-analysis Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Kuzmenko, Olha Vitaliivna; Bondarenko, Yevheniia Kostiantynivna; Dotsenko, Tetiana Vitaliivna Conference Papers 569085 526385
2021 The Stability of The Financial System: a Comparison of Developed and Less Developed Countries Kaya, H.D. Article -944181020 1256559806
2019 The state financial security and sustainability of financial sector in Ukraine: their state and management peculiarities Kliushnyk, T.; Drofa, A.; Shcherbyna, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 64538577 31027697
2017 The notion and content of financial system in the context of financial law of Ukraine Chernadchuk, Viktor Dmytrovych; Sukhonos, Viktor Volodymyrovych; Shkolnyk, Inna Oleksandrivna Article -1912315244 -728100966
2012 The role of a financial market and its infrastructure in the stability of a country’s financial system Rekunenko, Ihor Ivanovych Article -1857064668 2080901844
2010 Ukrainial financial system as a link of the European financial system: аnalysis and prospects Peresadko, Halyna Oleksandrivna; Lukash, S.M. Article 9463860 9635717
2018 Административно-правовой режим финансовой системы Utkina, Maryna Serhiivna Article 17888660 16896183
2019 Адміністративно-правове забезпечення банківської діяльності в Україні Хохлов, О.В. Masters thesis 4 0
2019 Адміністративно-правове регулювання здійснення державного фінансового контролю в Україні Пихтін, Ю.Ю. Masters thesis 5 0