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Showing results 9281 to 9300 of 94699
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 The Newest Digital Technologies in Education and The Prospects of Their Implementation in Ukraine Kulish, Anatolii Mykolaiovych; Radul, V.; Haleta, Y.; Filonenko, O.; Karikh, Ihor Volodymyrovych Article 1585889987 -1172027301
2004 News and views about microsoft foundation class (MFC) Botezatu, Cezar; Botezatu, Cornelia Paulina Article 1319323644 1570706742
2019 Newspaper Coverage of Women in Politics: A Content Analysis Of Daily Trust and Punch Newspapers Bappayo, A.; Kirfi, Y.H. Article -1244093478 1217023276
2015 Newspaper genres Soshko, A.; Pochatko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Conference Papers -60019283 561327654
2023 Newspaper subcorpus (subcorpus of the modern European Media) in the structure of the multilingual corpus Anokhina, T. Article 1179 1036
2021 Next Generation Material for Denture Teeth and Denture Base Material: Limpet Teeth (LT) as an Alternative Reinforcement in Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Arun, Y. Patil; Akash, Naik; Bhavik, Vakani; Rahul, Kundu; Banapurmath, N.R.; Roseline, M.; Lekha, Krishnapillai; Shridhar, N. Mathad Article -548221156 1921694059
2012 Next generation of credit cards Sayeva, K.V. Conference Papers 647344 490907
2020 The Nexus between Co-production and Willingness: Business Counselling in the Microfinance Sector Abeysekera, R. Article -1388611829 -1274753621
2019 Nexus Between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Malaysia: Supervised Machine Learning Approach Nur-Al-Ahad, Md.; Syeda, N.; Vagavi, P. Article -235875501 1424793392
2018 Nexus between Infrastructure and Tourism Development Das, K.S.; Naskar, K. Article 2129583996 -557705696
2018 Nexus between Infrastructure and Tourism Development Das, S.; Naskar, K. Article -1256225430 -1602455753
2023 Nexus Between Intellectual Capital, Financial Performance and Sustainable Growth: Evidence from the Turkish ICT Industry Lehenchuk, S.; Zeytinoglu, E.; Hrabchuk, I.; Zhalinska, I.; Oleksich, Zhanna Anatoliivna Article 30843691 32488173
2022 The nexus between international tax competitiveness and the shadow economy: a cross-countries analysis Karpenko, Inna Volodymyrivna; Mazurenko, Oleksii Volodymyrovych; Spodin, S.; Volynets, R.; Hladkovskyi, M. Article -1487215863 -1799306471
2014 NF-kB - універсальний фактор транскрипції Khomenko, Kateryna Pavlivna Conference Papers 623756425 -910568202
2023 NGOS and stakeholder cooperation in long term care organizing and delivery: an equal player or an outlier? Ramonienė, L. Article 20894 16211
2017 Niche book bio-medical content, thematic priorities and social and communication practices Dunaieva, Maryna Mykolaivna; Sadovnycha, Nataliia Mykolaivna Conference Papers 2923313 4179107
2018 Nickel ferrites and its catalytic properties Lesik, S.M.; Ivanenko, I.M. Conference Papers 12684381 19243244
2021 Nigeria export potential and ways to realize it Bot, S. Bachelous Paper -2039349863 694470870
2012 Nike - Philip Knight's success story - famous entrepreneurs Piddubna, T.V. Conference Papers 44723519 67104795
2014 Nikola Tesla - the genius who lit the world Smyrnova, K.V. Conference Papers 759147338 87802282