Наукові видання (ЕлІТ) [7174]

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 7174
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 A Study the Aluminum Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films Aoun, Y.; Benhaoua, B.; Benramache, S. Article 1599961442 -1499091571
2017 Ab initio розрахунки електронної структури твердих розчинів заміщення In[x]Tl[1-x]I Кашуба, А.І.; Бовгира, О.В.; Франів, А.В. Conference Papers 3130156 6607753
2004 About application technique of the method of averaged characteristics to relativistic electronics problems Kulish, Viktor Vasylovych; Savchenko, V.I. Conference Papers 276451383 110223721
2015 About Peculiarities of the Influence of the Negative Bias Potential Applied to the Substrate During the Deposition Process on the Structural State and Properties of the Multilayer system MoN-CrN Beresnev, V.M.; Sobol’, O.V.; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Nyemchenko, U.S.; Grankin, S.S.; Stolbovoy, V.A.; Turbin, P.V.; Meylehov, A.A.; Arseenko, M.Ju. Conference Papers 1986761653 1687130990
2017 About properties of linear stochastic optimization problems on arrangements Iemets, O.O.; Barbolina, T.M. Conference Papers 1090999 632302
2016 About real-mathematical model of electrical systems specific industrial energy consumers Levakin, M.; Doroshenko, A. Conference Papers -2125381009 1119788139
2017 About the Simplex Form of the Polyhedron of Arrangements Iemets, O.O.; Yemets`, O.O.; Polyakov, I.M. Conference Papers 364842755 747493968
2013 Abrasion Resistance of Ag/SiO2/PA6 Nanocomposite Fabrics Fasahat, F.; Dastjerdi, R.; Dastjerdi, M.R.M. Conference Papers -908291954 69281271
2012 Absorption Cross Section and Photoluminescence Lifetime of Silicon-Based Light-Emitting nc-Si-SiOx Structures Danko, V.A.; Shepeliavyi, P.E.; Michailovska, K.V.; Indutnyi, I.Z. Conference Papers 766362783 289440890
2014 Activated Carbon Based Supercapacitors Semenchuk, I.I. Article -1754521248 2130659742
2015 Activated Carbon Material Made From Apricot Stones as Highly Pseudocapacitive Electrode Material for Hybrid Supercapacitor Bakhmatyuk, B.P.; Dupliak, I.Ya.; Budzulyak, I.M.; Rachiy, B.I. Conference Papers 156544185 342412309
2015 Adaptive Algorithm for Interpretation of Low-frequency Noise DFT Reschikoff, S.E. Conference Papers 14081476 1627275
2017 Adaptive multicomponent nanocomposite coatings in surface engineering Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Bahdasarian, Artem Anatoliiovych; Diadiura, Kostiantyn Oleksandrovych; Pshyk, A. Article -1412325951 -1696326207
2014 Adsorption of Water on a Cesium Covered SrTiO3 (100) Surface Vlachos, D.; Giotopoulou, E.; Kamaratos, M. Article -842585453 1031280756
2012 Adsorption Study of Cyanate Ion on the Single-wall BC2N Nanotubes: a Computational Study Baei, M.T.; Torabi, P. Conference Papers 48212161 43760918
2012 Advanced Ion and Plasma Sources for Materials Surface Engineering Petrov, A.; Alexandrov, A.; Kralkina, E.; Nekliudova, P.; Vavilin, K.; Pavlov, V. Conference Papers 151515118 136321417
2011 Advanced nanostructured anode materials for lithium-ion batteries Khomenko, V.G.; Senyk, I.V.; Barsukov, V.Z. Conference Papers -2101140511 261245395
2015 Advanced Noise Generator Method of Flicker Noise Measurement Reschikoff, S.E. Conference Papers 3376401 3424480
2022 Advanced “Green” Prebiotic Composite of Bacterial Cellulose/Pullulan Based on Synthetic Biology-Powered Microbial Coculture Strategy Zhantlessova, S.; Savitskaya, I.; Kistaubayeva, A.; Ignatova, L.; Talipova, A.; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Digel, I. Article 2648179 4788267
2014 Aerosol Route to Antibacterial Nanosilver Coating of Cotton Fabrics Hontañón, E.; Feng, J.; Blanes, M.; Guo, X.; Santos, L.; Schmidt-Ott, A.; Nirschl, H.; Kruis, F.E. Article -1796739300 -1358845650