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Showing results 1 to 10 of 51
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Theory of economic regulation: new aspect Evtuh, A.T. Article 366688548 396378248
2016 Application of the lean concept as a prerequisite for a tourist business development Madgerova, R.H.; Kyurova, V.V.; Atanasova, A.V. Article -614076961 -499790868
2016 Territorial and industry analysis of the fulfillment of Zaporizhian regional projects Gudz, P.V. Article 24609399 -127990878
2016 Methodology of analysis sustainable development of Ukraine by using the theory fuzzy logic Karaieva, N.V.; Bereznytska, M.V. Article -55821636 707062905
2016 Ensuring effective supply chain management under uncertainty Lutsenko, I.S. Article 1312857252 -1669228634
2016 Research preconditions of Ukrainian chemical industry modernization based on the assessment competitiveness of its potential Shevtsova, A.Z.; Braslavska, O.V. Article -785867253 78077508
2016 Classification and analysis of factors that affect stability of oil and gas enterprise staff Zelinska, H.O. Article -1037988409 -26701150
2016 International aspect of ecological innovations Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Skoryk, V.V Article 473887353 1098236776
2016 Consulting role in the enterprise development management system Vynogradovа, O.V.; Yevtushenko, N.O. Article 756218587 733241479
2016 Trade networks evolution under the conditions of stock market globalization Kopylova, O.V. Article -1786093384 203117958