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Showing results 20 to 30 of 51
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Regional innovative and investment processes analysis and their impact on food-industry wine-producing enterprises development in Odessa region Bondarenko, S.А.; Nizyayeva, V.R. Article 52567750 73201605
2016 Factors that affect the evaluation of the effectiveness of corporate management innovation in an industrial plant Klus, Y.I. Article -50917456 -40136525
2016 Management of financial sources for innovative development: foreign countries experience Dyba, O.M.; Gernego, Iu.O.; Golub, S.M. Article 1621717654 -389830807
2016 The applicability of the social development and organization development theories at the enterprise Shvindina, Hanna Oleksandrivna Article -367809551 -2056945672
2016 Methodology of analysis sustainable development of Ukraine by using the theory fuzzy logic Karaieva, N.V.; Bereznytska, M.V. Article 1178915615 -1791620144
2016 Application of the lean concept as a prerequisite for a tourist business development Madgerova, R.H.; Kyurova, V.V.; Atanasova, A.V. Article -649981577 2046228929
2016 Effectiveness of actions associated with the environmental protection and the sustainable development Zieba, K.; Martyniak, K.; Rusin-Balicka, S.; Balicki, B.; Marcin, A. Article 227196854 116431430
2016 The problems of accountable and analytical procuring of enterprise management Kovalova, T.V. Article 1977632033 917377096
2016 Methodology of social and environmental external costs estimation in the Ukraine’s energy sector Karaieva, N.V.; Kramarev, G.V. Article -403816531 -263870310
2016 Review of marketing approaches to increase of sales effectiveness in the context of behavioral economics Makhnusha, S.M. Article 633113714 -182142323