Economic Processes Management (Управління економічними процесами) [179]

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 179
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 Concession as the implementation of public-private partnership in sphere of tourism and recreation Hrabar, M.V. Article 672365688 91619937
2016 Consulting role in the enterprise development management system Vynogradovа, O.V.; Yevtushenko, N.O. Article 756218587 733241479
2013 Controlling effect on the economic security of engineering enterprise conducting foreign economic activity Mirchev, A.; Kryvoruchko, L.B. Article -660742801 -1097084022
2015 Cost management of small hydro objects Shashkov, S.V. Article 1965387580 -1606539039
2015 Creating long-term relations in travel agencies within partnership marketing Sowier-Kasprzyk, I. Article -1632226008 1346482262
2015 Creativity, creations and innovations in the management of small and medium-sized business Usheva, M. Article 2114263230 558113700
2017 Credit default swaps – characteristics and interrelations with european capital markets Paskaleva, M.G. Article 671555294 227131431
2014 Credit frictions, financial leverage and assets prices: nonlinear dynamic interrelations Demchuk, N.I.; Pavlenko, O.P. Article 1155776 502077
2017 The development of competitive potential as а condition for increasing the competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies in Bulgaria Rumenova, S.T. Article 143142 218077
2016 Development of modern space forms within the economic activity in Carpathian region in terms of Europe integration processes extension Tsenkler, N.I. Article 29994650 38003963
2017 Development of sustainable tourism in the eastern part of Poland on the example of bicycle green velo trail Sowier-Kasprzyk, I.; Widawska-Stanisz, A. Article 1788905 1987734
2017 Development the method of integral evaluation the efficiency of management of financing the enterprise Opeshko, N.S. Article -1886561901 1873827581
2016 Diversity management as the key factor of success of further education colleges – case study Sapiński, A. Article 255855957 207689920
2014 Economic and environmental evaluation of recreation units in residential districts of Samara by using total economic value method Shabanov, V.A.; Shabanovа, A.V. Article 459874 491366
2015 Economic backgrounds, strategic guidelines and cross-cultural specificity of business relations ukrainian enterprises with chinese partners Kryvoruchko, Larysa Borysivna; Krukhmal, O.V. Article 586601189 777047197
2015 Economic cost analysis of service quality as a factor of sustainable development of enterprises Gritsenko, O.I. Article -864847530 1139336645
2017 Economic risks management in projects of development and environmental & economic security Baldzhy, M.D. Article -1532461039 -2002790063
2016 Effectiveness of actions associated with the environmental protection and the sustainable development Zieba, K.; Martyniak, K.; Rusin-Balicka, S.; Balicki, B.; Marcin, A. Article 113598432 65218648
2016 Efficiency of management of sustainable development – challenges, problems, barriers Zięba, K.; Olma, S. Article -480628416 2038339466
2016 Ensuring effective supply chain management under uncertainty Lutsenko, I.S. Article 1312857252 -1669228634