Правові горизонти / Legal horizons [552]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 552
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Actual problems of access to justice in the context of the creation in Ukraine of the high court of intellectual property Lohvynenko, Mykola Ivanovych; Jumaev, M. Article -48245921 1695479623
2021 Business Ombudsman as an Institution for Improving Compliance with the Rule of Law Principles Steblianko, Alina Volodymyrivna; Wilson, O. Article 1193258712 -139139380
2021 Constitutional Status of the Head of State and Its Regulation in National Legislation Kalachyk, M.V.; Greenberg, E. Article 1087982746 -342392198
2021 Content of the Job Description: Features and Areas of Concern Kyselova, Olena Ivanivna; Корощенко, К.Р.; Робсон, Г. Article -1832472701 -1268192304
2018 Cпеціалізація суду, як тенденція сучасного права Малетов, Д.В. Article -761506336 -756719942
2017 Cучасний стан та перспективи державного регулювання за платіжними системами в Україні Starynskyi, Mykola Volodymyrovych; Логвин, М.В. Article 1689201591 551373352
2022 Discussion issues of discretionary powers of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine Dudyk, I. Article 12999034 18269869
2016 Employment of Population as an Object of the State Policy of Ukraine Naida, I.V. Article -840480249 1059411348
2021 General principles of organization and activity of judges in Ukraine Harust, Yurii Vitaliiovych; Myrhorod-Karpova, Valeriia Valeriivna Article -1106065954 1681500470
2022 Homocentric approach and migration: challenges in transnational constitutionalism Sofinska, I.; Kovalchuk, V. Article 11095634 10082667
2020 International law on space tourism implementation Bulgakova, D. Article -1916501961 125538564
2021 International Legal Standards of Prosecutorial Activity and Status of Prosecutors: Implementation in Ukraine and in Individual Member States of the European Union Amelin, O.Yu. Article 506157581 1009875294
2021 International Legal Standards of Prosecutorial Activity and Status of Prosecutors: Implementation in Ukraine and in Individual Member States of the European Union Amelin, A. Article 1917214538 -1752368199
2021 Legal Means of Combating Corruption in Europe and Ukraine Whitney, C.; Herschman, S. Article 2010819655 1114175037
2016 Legal Protection of Controlled Entities on the Basis of the Polish Act on Freedom of Business Activity Hołda-Wydrzyńska, A. Article 557518065 -1898279337
2021 Legal Regulation of Land Relations in the Context of Canadian Legislation Kovach, B. Article 1948033812 -705945238
2016 Main problems of modern inheritance law Honcharova, Alina Viacheslavivna; Ulviyye, Aydin Article 386486190 1858369719
2016 Mediator tactics and techniques in dealing with power imbalance in business mediation Vodopian, T.V. Article -2042234317 -917542871
2016 Must Be Reformed, Cannot Leave Prokopenko, P.S. Article -1948989831 -522966570
2016 On some aspects as to reorganization of public joint-stock companies Shevchenko, O.V. Article 2058330345 2128541063